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Beowulf Allusion?


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Did anyone else think that the 'High Hrothgar' mountain might be an allusion or reference to Beowulf? Y'know, High Herot, King Hrothgar?

This got me wondering . . . what if there was an inn named 'Herot' with an NPC inside named Beowulf (or something very similar) with

a sword called 'Hrunting?' This is probably just my literature nerd speaking out, but would anyone else find that entertaining/funny?


Also. That was probably the most realistic-looking giant spider I've ever witnessed in a video game. I might actually soil myself if

I ever see one in-game. That is all.

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Morrowind's expansion Bloodmoon had many allusion to Beowulf as well. The Underfykte quest was filled with Beowulf allusions, from the mead hall, to the monster itself.
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of course it is!

all great games/literature (well not all) have allusions to classic literature. The great epics of ancient greece and britain set the standard for a good read centuries ago!


Well said!


I'm sure Skyrim will be ridden with references to Scandinavian myth and legend.

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It's good to see I'm not the only one who feels this way! A few days ago some guy I was talking to got more than a little angry with me for making the connection between Beowulf and Skyrim . . . though I'm not sure why . . .
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in all seriousness, the referances are GOOD things. If bethesda just said "Give them viking armor, and lots of snow" it would suck donkey! (insert a three letter word instead of donkey)

The old literature is just so... classic. It is like you decide to watch a movie, having read Beowulf, and you go "NO WAY! THAT WAS IS BEOWULF! AWESOME!" that and taking referances from old literature takes a huge ton of work out of the game. Instead of going "Ok, lets dig through ancient vikng language till we find an awesome word" you go "Hey, lets name the mountain after something from Beowulf!" My god, it would make their job's so much easier! That and Beowulf fornication-under-the-king (replace with a four letter word and the ending -ing) awesome! Maybe there will be an easter egg where you run into Beowulf fighting Grendel and you can help him or the monster.

Edited by TheCalliton
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If I want Beowulf, I'll stick to the classics. Most likely I will do just like I did in Oblivion with Skyrim, never touch the main quest and enjoy modding the game for it's engine and play capabilities. Never closed an Oblivion gate, left Martin to his fate, played through the side quest... thought the game was... Great! :P
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If I want Beowulf, I'll stick to the classics. Most likely I will do just like I did in Oblivion with Skyrim, never touch the main quest and enjoy modding the game for it's engine and play capabilities. Never closed an Oblivion gate, left Martin to his fate, played through the side quest... thought the game was... Great! :P


Hats off to you =-).


I must say, the gates got tedious after a while... but I closed a lot out of my own and my characters sense of "duty".

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