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Conversation trigger help


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for some reason I was under the impression that the conversation with Alistair about his parentage is triggered regardless of how many times you enter Redcliffe as long as it's the first visit with Alistair in the party

I was wrong, obviously


anyway, I want to make it trigger again

I've been reading tutorials on making mods in the DA toolset, although most of what I've found is about creating a new campaign and not modifying existing stuff.

I think I know what to change in a script in order to make the cutscene/conversation trigger repeat once but for the love of god I have no Idea where to make that change

Resigned I also tried to make a completely new trigger and script for that cutscene and exported it but it didn't work.


tldr - I have no idea how to do anything, someone help me

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Look at the conversation instead of the trigger. You MAY find that the conversation is set to 'once per game'. That would override the trigger.


No, I don't know for sure because I haven't looked at it.

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I think the "no repeat" thing may be somewhere in the conversation itself but I have no idea where to look exactly

I did, however figure out why nothing worked at all, even the simplest changes, I even made a trigger that starts a small cutscene before the conversation but not the conversation itself : / and for some reason it teleports everyone to somewhere else in redcliffe for the duration of it


edit: also it would be great if I could find the original trigger for the conversation, I already went through the "Arl Eamon" resources a few times but I keep missing it

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about halfway down there is a screenshot that shows 'normal line' as a dropdown selection and 'ambient' as a checkbox. although not described, options other than 'normal line' are 'onlys show line once per conversation' and 'only show line once per game'.


The trigger (if it exits) can be seen on the .are file for Redcliffe Village. Another option is that it might not be fired from a trigger, but from a .nss file.


The toolset wiki is your friend http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Main_Page Yes, it only shows you how to create new rather than modify Core resources, but knowing how to create will also teach you how to modify.

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ah, there it was, thanks

though everything in the conversation is set to "normal line" so I guess it's not actually overriding anything

and it might be as you said that it's a .nss file that stars everything because there is no trigger for it anywhere in redcliffe, which would make sense considering everything strarts as you enter the whole area

and the toolset wiki is a great help, I've checked it before and I bet it has everything I need and I just don't understand half of it


also I had another idea, I've noticed that area files have an "entered_for_the_first_time" variable and I thought that maybe it's possible to make the game think it's the first visit twice? it's one of the conversation requirements so doing something like that would solve everything but, again, all my modding knowledge comes from fiddling with the toolset for teh last two days so I may be horribly wrong

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all my modding knowledge comes from fiddling with the toolset for teh last two days so I may be horribly wrong

And is the 'entered_for_the_first_time' set for Redcliffe Village? And have you looked at the .nss file (if there is a separate one for that area) for Redcliffe Village?



and the toolset wiki is a great help, I've checked it before and I bet it has everything I need and I just don't understand half of it

This is why I suggest doing a few small mods (not necessarily shared with anyone) before making changes to Core resources that could FUBAR your entire game if not done correctly.

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"entered_for_the_first_time" in redcliffe village is set to 0 in the default column

oh now I know I should've started with the basics but I foolishly hoped this would be a little easier and quicker, I don't have much free time left

and I duplicate every file I plan to edit, maybe it will save me from breaking the game too much


oh and I've found redcliffe's .nss file and the part of of the script responsible for the conversation, I think? so I may try doing something with that

also thanks for putting up with my overall incompetence :smile:


edit: funny thing, I opened the .nss file for redcliffe village, found the part that starts the conversation and changed only one thing: in "if(bRedcliffeEntered == FALSE)" I switched "false" to "true"

I tested it first with a save made before all that editing, I loaded it at a point where I've entered redcliffe twice before, both times without alistair in the party; this time I entered redcliffe with alistair and the conversation started successfully, I also checked if I maybe made it repeat every time I go to redcliffe but no such thing happened


then I decided to check if it works with a completely new game, just in case

with debugging I got to the same point in the game as with the other save and this time it didn't work

so I really hope that's just because I used console commands and skipped doing something

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then I decided to check if it works with a completely new game, just in case

with debugging I got to the same point in the game as with the other save and this time it didn't work

so I really hope that's just because I used console commands and skipped doing something


Yes, it is because you used console commands rather than making the change programmatically.

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