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Best and Worst Guilds


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hello everyone i have a question to ask Oblivion players


are there any good and bad guilds for players to join?


because right now my main char. is a member of the Arena and the Dark Brotherhood and i was thinking on joining either the Thieves Guild or the Mages or Fighters guild but with all the complaints toward those guilds on the forums i sorta second guessing myself. so i ask are there any good or bad guilds in Oblivion or they all good but at times they have their hiccups


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Generally the Fighter's Guild is considered the least favorable (or the Main Quest, or both depending on who you ask). I don't think any of them are particularly better than the rest, they all suffer from the same tediousness, lack of choices, and annoying linear progression. Basically if you didn't mind the ones you already did then go for them all, it doesn't really change anything or do anything negative to your character. Edited by Axxaw
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Yes, Fighters guild is a meh of guild, but it has what in my opinion, worth to at least sign up... they have a lot of trainers in the matter combat... anyway, in some missions you can earn a lot of gold just by taking the enemie's stuff...
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I thought the Thieves Guild quests were pretty good. You've got a lot of freedom when you first start out, and the storyline turns interesting fairly quickly.


Mages Guild is probably worse than the Fighters Guild. If you have the Wizard's Tower DLC, then I wouldn't really bother, unless you really want to be Archmage! ;D


I've done all of the guilds with one character. My personal favorites are the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild. If you want to be able to freely access almost everything in the game, go ahead and join them all. DB and TG will give you infamy, but if you do the Knights of the Nine quests afterwards, you can wipe that infamy completely away.

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Just join them all, since there are no requirements for membership. As hilarious as it may sound, you can have 10 Intelligence and still become the arch-mage of the Mage's Guild. At least the guilds in Morrowind had skill and stat requirements.
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Fighter's guild is the worst.

Go to Anvil! Run across the entire world to Cheydinhal! Now back to Anvil! Now back to Cheydinhal! Now to Chorrol! Now all the way across the world to Leyawiin! Now all the way back to Chorrol!


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In terms of the stupidity of your companions, the Fighters' Guild is the worst. Viranus Donton alone seals the #1 spot for the Fighters' Guild in that category. In terms of the worst storyline, the Mages' Guild is the worst. The Thieves' Guild and the Dark Brotherhood tie for first for me. They each had a good storyline and fun missions. C'mon, let's face it; who hasn't wanted to break into the Imperial Palace and swipe an Elder Scroll?
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do all the guilds at least once, I have come back and done the ones I liked when starting a new game, but for a first time player do them all, we can related to the guild questions since we have been through them.
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i was thinking of going to the Mages Guild next bc you get to enchant your weapon but its not worth it? or instead go to Frostcrag Spire and Enchant stuff there?
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