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Diagonal Movement


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Reckon they'll finally include walking/running/sneaking animations for moving diagonally?


It's one thing that always bugged me about playing Oblivion and Fallout in 3rd person, trying to strafe in 3rd person, only to witness the awful sight of my character walking forwards whilst moving sideways :(

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Reckon they'll finally include walking/running/sneaking animations for moving diagonally?


It's one thing that always bugged me about playing Oblivion and Fallout in 3rd person, trying to strafe in 3rd person, only to witness the awful sight of my character walking forwards whilst moving sideways :(


Agreed. At 1st it was kinda funny, but after a while started to grind my gears.

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Bethesda have always used terrible animations but it does look like they have made some effort this time around.


I'de be careful criticizing Bethesda round these parts... it's like saying Hank Williams isn't perfect within earshot of a Texas greasy spoon!


I'm hoping Umpa and crew make another return with some more great replacers for this game.

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I think I've started noticing it more and more since playing Tomb Raider, and seeing how 'natural' Crystal Dynamics make Lara move.


I'm not expecting that level of detail from Bethesda, after all, Crystal Dynamics only have to deal with small areas and fewer than a dozen character models at any one time, whereas Fallout/Oblivion/Skyrim have/will have dozens at any one time, all of which can wear any combination of hundreds of different items, weapons and armour.



The other thing that bugged me a little whilst playing through Fallout 3 is the fact that, the current strafing animation (whilst standing at least) has the PC's lower body turning to one side, whilst the head and upper body continue to face forwards, so, technically, the animations for diagonal movement already exist within the game engine, they just aren't used for some reason.

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I just recently started noticing that when I played the games (Oblivion, Fallout 3) on the console. It never really stuck out to me on the PC versions of those games. Bethesda has put a lot of work into making the animations blend together, so I can't see why they wouldn't add a diagonal walking animation, but oh I do pray that they do.
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