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Stuck loading after Bethesda intro


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Title describes my issue well enough; after I got through the Bethesda intro (when you see the imperial dragon thingy and some smoke) I get stuck in an infinite load screen, however the weird parts are:


-It doesn't crash or anything, it stays there

-It didn't freeze, the smoke still moves yet I also get no sound or anything whatsoever (so basically no main menu shows up)

-I'm unable to kill it with the Task Manager nor Alt+F4 or anything else, only thing that solves it is a forced reboot

-Previously today, only a few hours earlier, everything worked finely and without any problems, then I get back and nothing works anymore even though I didn't even change anything, ergo no new mods or .ini changes or anything like that

(-I did try disabling some mods I had yet that didn't yield any different results either)

-The only times I found the same issue on the internet was because of two mods conflicting that I don't even use


Anyone able to help me? :c


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Another thing to check is to see what background processes you have running on your computer, pair down anything you absolutely know you don't need running and see what happens. It's also possible you are simply running out of memory, how much ram do you have?

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