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artificial limbs


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I for one would kinda like to see more prostetics chardazar bite your leg and you needed to get it amputated, how about a nice little metal shaft and metal foot(Yarrrr, I be a bad, raider ye scurvy sum now). purhaps the enclave can build you a full cyberlimb(Ahab of the Enclave is still looking for that albino Deathclaw), some missing eyes (they come to kill the Rooster, and he ain't gonna die!)


so what would work for that?

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I hesitate to even answer such a poorly written post, but...


The problem is that you'd have to remake all of the armors in the game to reflect the prosthetic limb. It would be fine for an NPC with just a couple or armors, but not so good for the player who can wear anything.

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Forget the peg legs, just let your dude limp along and pretend he's got a bum pin.

Besides that, hooks and wooden kickers would eventually leads to other pirate affectations.......like......

Shoulder Perchin' Parrot Pals ™

collect them all


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