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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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So how's the factory level coming along?


I havn't actually started the factory level yet. I just now got the last of hte visual glitches taken care of with the office building. It was a lot of small, tedious things (landscape levels in comparison to the building, sand height vs the asphalt etc). Trying to decide what would be better a few securitron sentries in front, or a band of raiders living on the roof.


I'm less than enthusiastic about the factory/warehouse/shipping building because I don't see it having all the cools stuff the office building does. Let me know if you want to handle it. There are shipping containers in the abandoned warehouse, forge equipment in vegas steel and I'm sure tons of factory stuff in other buildings. The robco facility in fo3 had a mainframe and stress test program (robots killed each other), but that's all that was memorable to me. If you do take it on, I'll show you the space it fits in. Also it's easier if the exterior of the building is one solid mesh (as opposed to exterior tiles) since it's less trouble to move on the 3d data tab.

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The factory sounds right up my alley, but I haven't done anything with navmesh.

That said, how much size will it have, and is it a factory, assembly line, or just storage?

Bear in mind that the sheer complexity of any complicated assembly process that it probably won't be all in one building (though if the factory was hastily converted/retooled for a small but elite line of custom protectron shells with aftermarket organic ais installed in the park, then the process would be somewhat simpler/more condensed)

...given the nature of the thing I see it more as a "finalized development center" where a basic, though superiror quality armless/limbless protectron shell is combined with the custom arms/internal components and forwarded to the park where Bill's team install the ais.

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The factory sounds right up my alley, but I haven't done anything with navmesh.


No worries that can be done after your esp is merged


That said, how much size will it have, and is it a factory, assembly line, or just storage?

Bear in mind that the sheer complexity of ...."finalized development center"....Bill's team install


My idea was the whole process, but your concept makes more sense. I can make some android heads and other body parts, as well as protectron MKI & II pieces for placing in shipping containers. I'd like to put in a very small shipment meant for Cerulean Robotics. They are hte guys that make fisto the pervbot. There will be a minor mention of them in the Robco offices as well (probably a derisive comment or two). But I'd like to set the groundwork on expanding a small amount of lore for Cerulean. This is so we can tie them in later as the contractor for Bills android companion. Also the factory/facility (whatever we call it) backs up right against the railroad tracks for easy shipment so it would be good to have one of those large garage/rolling metal doors to the train platform.


Honestly I kind of wanted it right in front of H&H tools, I think Mr. House would have liked that kind of mindfrak with his brother Anthony. But it would have meant demolishing several buildings.


I'll flatten, the lot and place the exterior model when you decide what you want to use. Then as far as the interior it's your show, just let me know if you need any custom models/scripting/re-textures etc (forewarned weak on the scripting) etc.

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Also had an idea for the robotics expert play through. I picked up gun runners arsenal a few days ago (medicine stick is pretty cool) and thought the fat mine and nuka gernade were pretty cool. Figured it might be interesting to allow a robotics expert to strap one to an eyebot (that had been reprogrammed) and used as a flying bomb against your enemies.


The robotics expert will have a lot of advantages and I don't want to go overboard, but it seems like it'd be cool.

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Regareding the models- if you could make a limbless protectron shell (sans arms/legs) and/or detached static variants of the arms (matching pairs or otherwise) so they can be hung/laid out on an assembly line, it would be great.

EDIT: Just to be clear, the custom arms/legs, not the vanilla ones. same with the torso if you made any changes to the shape (paint would be added later).

Edited by TrooperScooperMKII
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