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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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Sorry, everything is on hold at the moment, while I try to juggle some RL stuff. The only stuff I'm working on is collaborations (because it's not fair to have other mod authors wait on me). I think (hope) I'll be back to a normal schedule in a week or two.


But when I start up I would greatly appreciate your help :thumbsup:

I know, heh, even without my erratic attention span I probably could do more for NV.

Speaking of which, I need to get back to Darkus.. Devin, have you used NIFScope at all? If so, how would I go about resizing collision meshes, textures etc. for an existing model and then importing them into a new .nif file? IIRC the collision meshes can be exported to a 3d editiing program, but I haven't tried it yet.

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Speaking of which, I need to get back to Darkus.. Devin, have you used NIFScope at all? If so, how would I go about resizing collision meshes, textures etc.


Sorry for the late response. Yeah I still have to use nifskope for a lot of stuff, things that just can't be done in blender (or at least that I have no idea how to do), but nifskope is really limited in altering a mesh. It's fine though for assigning textures (simple and quick).


IIRC the collision meshes can be exported to a 3d editiing program, but I haven't tried it yet.


For hte collision meshes it's really easy in blender. They are a very primitive/simple mesh and you can treat them the same way as any other mesh in blender. When you import your nif into blender you'll see the col mesh, you can't miss it. Export options will be a little different though (off the top of my head; no shadowmap, bsfadenode) since your exporting a static and not a critter.


for an existing model and then importing them into a new .nif file?


You can import something with a col mesh into blender then hide it and delete everything else. then import the nif you want to place the col mesh around. In nifskope you can copy the block data for a col mesh from one nif to another, but other than scaling or moving (translation) that col mesh in nifskope you can't really manipulate it much at all. Truthfully though, I'v found importing data blocks tricky at times, so if I can do something in blender it's my preference.


Hope that's not too discombobulated, I just have a few seconds before heading out to work. If anything is unclear let me know and I'll try to elaborate as time allows

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technically you can edit the vertices in Nifskope too, I've been known to edit projectile meshes with that. it's a time-consuming process as you have to edit each of the three coordinates of every vertex you want to move...and there may be hundreds of them. Far easier to import into blender and do it there.

If you're working with a complex nif like a projectile or animation, it's better generally to handle things in Nifskope wherever possible. alternately, block-import the mesh from your blender-export itself into a working duplicate of the file rather than work with the blender-exported version directly.

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Wow did I really just read all 71 pages?! Haha! I'm so intrigued by this mod it is un-real! I'm glad to see it wasn't just a dream idea that nobody could be bothered to do! It's great that you are still working on it! If you need any help, let me know, I test mods for SomeGuy (New Vegas Bounties) And I have a professional recording studio for voices etc.
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Wow did I really just read all 71 pages?! Haha! I'm so intrigued by this mod it is un-real! I'm glad to see it wasn't just a dream idea that nobody could be bothered to do! It's great that you are still working on it! If you need any help, let me know, I test mods for SomeGuy (New Vegas Bounties)


I know right? I love this storyline, so many aspects of it really call out to me. Right at the moment I'm not really doing anything except for two collaborations (Marilyn Monroe securitron and Fallout 1 project), and that's only because It wouldn't be fair for them to have to wait on me.


I'd love to say I will be starting soon, but I really have no idea when I'll have free time to get the team going again. Sad too, because I really, really want to get this and the mars project going.


And I have a professional recording studio for voices etc.


Thanks DJKnightDnB, audio isn't one of my strong points, I'm afraid.

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I finally figured out how to "hole" things, the "bridge" command will hollow out an area between two faces..

The cab is finally opened up. It's a bit cramped, but the empty tender + windows are definitely good cover while shooting at ruffians along the track. :thumbsup:







Kind of wishing I hadn't thoroughly attached the boiler tube to the cab, otherwise I'd just extend it out into the cab... ah, well. Vis a vie. (I think. Not a french speaker at all :tongue: )

Narrowed the whistle cord a bit, and tried to work out the pipe thingies... they're murder, almost as bad as the bell or the light.








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I finally figured out how to "hole" things, the "bridge" command will hollow out an area between two faces..

The cab is finally opened up. It's a bit cramped, but the empty tender + windows are definitely good cover while shooting at ruffians along the track. :thumbsup:




Nice :thumbsup:

Since your going through the trouble of making a really detailed model, there's no reason we can't put a really tight col mesh on it so shots can fly through the cab, and have a good old fashioned shoot out (albeit with robots)

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I finally figured out how to "hole" things, the "bridge" command will hollow out an area between two faces..

The cab is finally opened up. It's a bit cramped, but the empty tender + windows are definitely good cover while shooting at ruffians along the track. :thumbsup:




Nice :thumbsup:

Since your going through the trouble of making a really detailed model, there's no reason we can't put a really tight col mesh on it so shots can fly through the cab, and have a good old fashioned shoot out (albeit with robots)

It's a mix of frustration, tedium and self satisfaction. I'm getting good at this (though the thought of doing the tubes etc. between the tender and the engine is giving me nightmares :psyduck: ) and after spending an hour or so of tedious clicking in in the cramped quarters on some "trivial" thing like the wheel bogie I feel the urge to just zoom out and bathe in the awesomeness before I quit. :tongue:

I finished a brand new cow-catcher yesterday on my second try, and today I did a lot with the tender's wheel bogies.














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