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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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That sounds great. I'm imagining a black humor scene where the spies bumble into each other and botch their respective assignments in teh confusion...


Yeah that could be pretty funny. Maybe they could leave diary entries or something detailing suspicions they have of each other in a comedy of errors.


BTW did you say something about one of them still being alive (ghoul) or am I imagining that? Might be interesting have a ninja level chinese black ops spy on the loose. He could probably survive the park defenses if he was careful and highly skilled. Could make a treacherous ally or viscous enemy. He'd (or she'd) certainly be interested in the player, since the pc has the key to enter (and thus presumably exit) the park.

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So I had a couple of other ideas.


little stuff;


I think I'm going to retexture and resize some crows to get some varied avian wildlife. The hispanic villa is very bright with lots of the gaudier fauna, like bougainvillea wrapping around the arches, flower boxes, flowering cacti and yellow palo verde trees etc. So I want to throw some colorful critters in there as well, such as smaller bright yellow &/or red birds, throw some bird chirps in the background audio etc. All aimed at making the hispanic district stand out in stark contrast to dead money.


I'd like to re-texture the brahmin to use the same color hides as our modern cows (for example jersy brahmin).


I also want to retexture some Bloatfly models with black and yellow bee colors and shrink them to golf ball size. I think buzzbombs will be a good name (since they pop or explode when killed). Assume they mutated from the honey bee, with a 2nd variant that evolved from the bumble bee (larger more aggressive but few in number). They will come into play in the hunting grounds with the cybernetic/animatronic bears. But will also be found in connection with Sunset "home on the range" TM food products line (see below).


I thought it might be cool to have a "home on the range" TM product line. It would be sunset parks spin off corp that produces items available only in the park (and perhaps sunset stores/factories, not sure). These products could be any sunset collectible from gold plated pistols to toy sunset sam mini-protectrons but the majority of it's production would be food items. The pitch for the food items is that they are grown (or raised if animals) right in the park. Packaged in old western trappings (crocks, tins etc) and are a premium/delux (expensive) product. But since the bee's have mutated to buzzbombs the honey produced will have unique effects. The cows have mutated to brahmin and so dairy products like milk and cheese also have unique attributes, as does the meat. Even vegetable items like corn and peppers will have unique effects due to mutation. These foods will probably be radiated but have higher restorative values and possibly other little bonuses (aka like ant nectar the honey could raise a stat(s).


There could also be a hispanic food brand as well.


A couple of story ideas as well;


A pony express ride. The idea here is that a sunset customer would be able to pay his/her ticket, hop on a horse and brave the dangers that the pony express did, in it's day. The customer would shoot indians and bandits that ambushed him/her possibly deal with other hazzards (like jumping fallen trees, landslides etc). But alas the programming for the androids have degraded and/or they are in park defense mode so the show protocols are no longer active and they now shoot to kill. So we have the rideable creatures script, but no horses. I thought what we would do is have the androids (or protectrons) at the pony express station act confused when handed their ticket and after a little bit of bickering saddle up a brahmin, it being the closest match their programming can make. Besides the android bandits & indians some cybernetic/animatronic bears from the hunting grounds may have made it into the pony express trail. I'd like to make some type of reward or requirement for the player to stay mounted and finish the trail in a timed run. But I'm not sure what the story line conditions would be to explain that.


A ghoul stuck in a VR machine that must be convinced to exit the simulation because he has knowledge essential to the player. An engineer (or programmer) climbed in a VR machine to die when the bombs started to fall or shortly thereafter. Perhaps overcome with sorrow at knowing his family had perished he overdosed on med-X crawled into a VR machine to lay down in the comfort of the pod. The machine initiated it's VR protocol automatically and in his drugged state the simulation and reality merged seamlessly together. At this point in time he was irradiated (due to a reactor leak or some other accident very close by) and ghoulification began. His mind unwilling to accept the lose of those he loved has retreated into the simulation completely (psychotic break) and his body, now that of a ghoul, has laid in the pod for over 200 years (requiring no food or water). In the game he is an untouchable gunslinger where he lives out his old west fantasies and has a family. This family by chance strongly resembles his lost, real life family, strongly reinforcing the psychosis. The trick for the player will be to defeat him (thereby ejecting him from the game) and force him to accept reality. Once released from his psychosis and having exited the VR pod he could be a companion or simply provide information crucial to the player. The player should also have the choice of allowing hte ghoul to re-enter the VR (after gaining the info needed) if they think that is a kinder fate for him. The VR itself should probably be a small western town.

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It would also be nice to expand the log sluice into a full water park, that was now inhabited by lakelurks


A spy based pipboy for the corporate spy might be cool too. Aids in hacking, autopick etc. Too bad the chinese black ops couldn't have a pip-boy or hte Chinese equivalent of one.

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? why would it be impossible for the Chinese spy to have a Pip Boy analogue?

Buzzbombs would be cool. They should be poisonous, and perhaps give off a big puff of pollen/toxin when killed. Imagine seasonal/pollen allergies scaled to match bloatfly sized bugs. Stat penalty for Perception, maybe even an oxygen meter i.e. smoke?

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? why would it be impossible for the Chinese spy to have a Pip Boy analogue?


Yeah just going along lore, but we could ask the Pipboy Readius author http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36646 if we could use his for a chinese analogue.


Buzzbombs would be cool. They should be poisonous, and perhaps give off a big puff of pollen/toxin when killed. Imagine seasonal/pollen allergies scaled to match bloatfly sized bugs. Stat penalty for Perception, maybe even an oxygen meter i.e. smoke?


Yeah I was thinking little bombs, but hadn't really decided on what type. But I would only have them do 1 dam via melee so in a twist it's better not to kill them in melee(your dt should take care of 1 dam) then to snuff them and take the explosive dam. They'r too small to be shot. Just a little wrinkle to keep things interesting.

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Kachina mask eyebots & kachina protectrons;


So I thought we could add some eye-candy and add a little Indian culture in a unique NV point of view/twist.

Here is a link to kachina masks that are perfect (in my opinion) for eyebots;


Here is a cool one;



And if you google image kachina you'll get about a billion kachinas that are perfect for a protectron. Most of them just need a headpiece/mask in terms of new models, with a re-texture sufficing for the rest of the costume.


Here is one I like;



I don't really see them as being involved in the story line per se, just adding some color.


Also I was thinking of a sunset sam radio station AI like mr. Vegas. But this (non-organic) AI is secretly at odds with the mainframe and could be used to interject subtle clues for the pc into it's advertisments/news. This will give the player subtle puzzles to solve that may aid the pc in his/her quest. We could possibly link it in to the sunset sam mascotts/protectrons, making the AI able to jump to any sunset sam protectron. This would make it a 2nd guide (alongside the tribal chosen one). And of course he/it may have ulterior motives of his/it's own.


We should probably have a bot factory level, that would be a strategic target for reducing the mainframes forces and eliminating random bot encounters. A medium level quest.

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So I just sent this reply to razzy1319



riiiight, not to sure about what you mean with "lore supporting mods"


Oh just any other "sunset lore" whether it is posters, collectibles, bots etc that would give a sunset "presense" in the NV world.


anyway, have you any luck with that merged esp? I wanna start doing the sunset valley worldspace just so I can arrange the main street building model properly. Or should I just start with a fresh world space?


I'll check on that today, but if I recall correctly even the most up to date esp only had 1 sewer level, 1 sub-level and the hispanic district in the sunset valley worldspace. But I understand where your coming from and it's time to get off my butt and get to work.


With that in mind what is your opinion of a preview that is also a prequel? There is a post on the basic story line at;


Only the first post/msg in the thread would apply to our current situation.



Do you like the plot/concept of the preview also being a prequel? The idea is that the activities in the preview/prequel will set in motion the story line of the main mod? The basic plot (and this is just a recap of the 1st msg in the weblink above) is that the Courier penetrates the park network and this security breach is what allows the tribals chosen one (either learning by example or because the network defenses are down) to gain access to the mainframes data network from her remote terminal. This will be the seed that germinates


So a very basic plot outline would go something like this; Just by chance (never happened before) the reactor runoff sewer system happened to be open when the Courier was exploring the municipal sewer system it is connected to, allowing entrance to the park. The Courier runs through a sewer level then enters the Hispanic resort district. S/he mucks about in the park exploring, while the mainframe is currently in hibernation mode. S/he will get to interact with neutral(ish) bots, androids and a bit of the wild life. There will be a sub-level (that uses a re-textured vault tile set) to explore. In the sub-level the Courier hacks some terminals opening a hole in network security. This allows some limited communication with the tribals chosen one through the network and exposes some of the mainframes more nefarious activities, history etc. The mainframe begins to wake from hibernation and start the communist defense protocol. The Courier is forced to retreat & exit the park while under attack by the security forces.


I'd also like to have some key details embedded in the plot for the preview/prequel;

At least one VR arcade machine, even if it's just a tiny portion of a level, I just want to introduce hte concept.

bot personalities. I'd like many to be at least as lively as Button Gwinnett from FO3.

access to the netowork for chosen one starts plot for 1.x

rescue at least one tribal so the courier will be recognized in 1.x

have the chosen one aid/warn/rescue the player so s/he feels some loyality to help her in v1.x


possibly a way to communicate with the courier. ie gets pipboy reciever id or something, so that the v1.x mod can start with a radio signal being received ala most DLC's



From a practical POV, the Hispanic resort district is the quickest to get out. For the architecture we just need to throw in some foliage to brighten up the area (bogenvia vines on the walls and arches, flowers in brightly colored pots & planters and some ornamental trees like a golden palo verde). I had originally intended the hispanic district to be historical with androids only (no bots) but I think it would make more sense to have all our bot assets there to act as a showcase. Besides we can always make a spanish mission district later that is historically accurate.


We have some completed assets to showcase that are done or almost done. Things like;

A lot of vanilla bots re-textured with western attire (havn't started mr. handy/gutsy, robobrain or any of the old world blue's bots/cyborgs). Eyebot kachina masks should be really easy too.

A few of the completed wildlife; gila gecko, bramalo, javelina

Some re-textures of items (collectibles, slot machines etc).


Some other assets that could be quick to develop would be the androids. Other than making them a unique race, there isn't a whole lot to them.


So let's decide what we want and can produce quickly and get this puppy out hte door next week (or two weeks).

I'll also duplicate this and put it on the main board thread.

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Hello, I was just wondering if all the new/ retextured weapons in the park were done. If not I would like to try to make a sunset sarsaparilla .357 revolver. I am a noob at mod making but I find it interesting and exciting. The weapons would have the ss colors and the logo on the buttstock. Thanks.
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