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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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We could actually just leave the park attractions all over the park. I was planning to disable fast travel and in its place have a covered wagon system. Just tell the android riding it where you want to go and spawn there like the fast travel system.


Wanted it this way so when for example you go up to northern town, which passes by the outlaw town. You get a random encounter with some outlaws, robbing the covered wagons. Same goes for when youre going to the resort. Only banditos or indians attack. It was supposed to be playacting when the park was running but since then it has turned into a real thing.


There is a looooooooooot of space dont worry, the valley to the south east, the lake/mountain north west and the mesas(still messing with this) up north.


Oh yeah I'm not worried about lack of space, I'm just thinking that logistically it wouldn't make a lot of sense to have large crowds moved via a wagon or having to walk long distances between attractions. Don't get me wrong, I like the wagon idea, it's the same thing we're doing with the train. ie sunset ver of fast travel. And occasionally when you activate the train a scripted encounter will occur inside a car, but mostly it just pops you out where you want to go. But if you really feel *strongly* about keeping them further out then we can do that.


The spanish villa on a lake is a good idea. Buts lets hold that until we could find a riverboat model.


Yeah your probably right. If it was a little ferry then the rich people would end up having to wait and that wouldn't be a good business model. But a riverboat sized ferry running every 10/15 minutes means people probably wouldn't pile up. Maybe a little cafe on each dock so they can relax and enjoy a beverage (Sunset farms home grown special blend of Joe).


Put up a temporary fence using Tranquility Lane White fences scaled up. You cant jump over it. easy enough to remove.


With the white pickets? That would look picturesque/nice. But might want to scale them down to waist level otherwise without fast travel or a gate(s) teh player may consider it a hassle having to go 50 cells to get around the perimeter. Plus no real reason to have that area fenced off. But there could be safety reasons to have the road fenced off though. It would save on lawsuits for traffic fatalities (don't know if FO world is as litigious as our world).


I like where the tribal village is at right now which is NEAR the power plant. They could get the cars easily. and theyre somewhat protected by a valley of sorts from weather problems. I'll be putting up another road down there. Maybe a dirt road.


Sorry amigo, your going to have to move it. I need them on the asphalt for the rideable creatures script cars, to crash the gate. I do like the little enclosed area you'v got them in, but the road entrance has a nice sheltered area too. Also the mainframe is going to be less comfortable with their location the closer they are to the solar station, it's a strategic resource. So essentially what you will have is a junk yard town, where all of the vehicles massed before the quakes caused the boulders to come tumbling down. Big rig homes, lots of boulders, rusted hulks of cars turned over as barricades etc.


Im working on the parking lot at the moment. Maybe we could put them there if you want them to use cars as houses. Its the big yellow box near the entrance of the park.


Well remember they got slaughtered by the bot forces, so they would settle as far away as possible from the main frame. Since that was once the exit it would be natural for them to flee to that spot, especially since some of their resources were in that area (in boxed in and buried vehicles). And once settled the degeneration of the tribe means they would be unlikely to move. So I don't think the parking lot is a good idea.

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The fence is temporary so no worries there. Its easy enough to create a opening anywhere outside of the main entrance. I just thought that SS wouldnt want people getting into the park without paying.


Tribal Home Base Loc: Its near the power plant to justify the tribals being able to find the PC and bring him/her to the village. The mainframe wouldnt worry about the tribals getting into the power plant, assuming he is godlike to them(taboo) and he has enough firepower there(security bots and whatnot). Makes the messiah/chosen kid more of a legendary figure, breaking taboos, avoiding detection by bots, disabling the plant and going against their god.


Re the bulldozer. Its easy enough to justify another point away from the tribal village nearer the road to the park. A gathering point for their rituals or a scout position or a small stopover or even a small construction site with the bulldozer in it. We could have them praising a dead god, The Bulldozer. Who was prophecized to clear the way to their freedom.


Ive done about 3-4 more models for MainStreet. I am having problems with texturing. Everything looks sterile. As if they the buildings are brand new. It might make take some more time to develop these textures. All I can say is. Bethesda and Obsidian Texturers are damn Good.

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Thanks Ave! Were hoping it comes out to! :biggrin:




Here are some pictures of the clinic in-game.






Might have to go into more texturing since there a big difference in doors/windows versus the walls. Windows and doors are banged up shot and dirty and the building itself is clean as a whistle.


Also here are some WIP on the other buildings Ive been modeling/texturing





Random Buildings I dont have a use for yet




If you look at the Clinic images, you can see some clutter in the background. Im going thru most of static in game. Checking to see what items might belong in the world. The Nipton town hall looks really good. The roller coaster though cant go around Main Street because there are only three big pieces.

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The fence is temporary so no worries there. Its easy enough to create a opening anywhere outside of the main entrance. I just thought that SS wouldnt want people getting into the park without paying.


Re: the fence as a pay wall, we could assume the ticket booth/park entrance is south of the entrance and on the other side of the collapsed rocks, or under them. That way you would have to pay to enter the valley, but not the gas station/diner which would be before the valley entrance. Probably makes more sense to put the diner and gas station out there anyway.


Tribal Home Base Loc: Its near the power plant to justify the tribals being able to find the PC and bring him/her to the village. The mainframe wouldnt worry about the tribals getting into the power plant, assuming he is godlike to them(taboo) and he has enough firepower there(security bots and whatnot). Makes the messiah/chosen kid more of a legendary figure, breaking taboos, avoiding detection by bots, disabling the plant and going against their god.


Actually the player exits from a sewer runnoff, it's not nor does it have anything to do with the solar plant. The solar plant is up higher than ground level. Possibly you missed the threads (which is easy to do, there are a lot of them on the private board) on the tribals. There are different factions, some consider the mainframe a god, some consider it a terrible predator. Re: of your firepower you don't want possible combatants camping around a strategic point. I'm not too sure in what re: your addressing the tribals chosen one, don't think she's holed up in the power plant.


Re the bulldozer. Its easy enough to justify another point away from the tribal village nearer the road to the park. A gathering point for their rituals or a scout position or a small stopover or even a small construction site with the bulldozer in it. We could have them praising a dead god, The Bulldozer. Who was prophecized to clear the way to their freedom.


Oh I think you might have misunderstood me, a tractor trailer as in a big rig/18 wheeler. I'm sure a bulldozer could take down the gate too, but it's not nearly as exciting (speed is lower). Also when you break through the tribals hop out of the back of the 18 wheeler and the battle begins. But it ties together on several levels, the big rig is also the tribals chiefs residence as one of the last running vehicles and the most spacious.


But this has bearing on a larger issue. You seem unwilling to flex or compromise on this issue even when I'v explained to you why it is necessarily for the big rig and the rideable creatures script (which is buggy enough even when the road is perfect) to have the tribals at the end of the road. Not to mention the artistic vision we developed for it. The team (kagstrom2100, TrooperScooperMKII, up until recently Flaarg and I) have always been able to compromise for the sake of the mod. Another example Apocalyptic girl and I are working on a mod that she asked me to help with. We are able to compromise without a problem. But if we came to an impasse, the mod is her artistic vision and she would have final creative say. in the same vein you wouldn't join any other existing modding team and begin to re-design it without their permission. Another example. You wouldn't join the team working on "run the lucky 38" and then decide to move a whole level, over the authors protests.


You asked to join the team on July 28th and since then we've butted heads on several issues. They were small enough that I didn't feel they were worth pursuing. However I'm not willing to loose a key point for the storyline as well as the artistic vision (of the cars scattered along the street leading to a massive pileup and car fort) in return for models on main street. I'd much rather keep what we have and take a week or two to do the models myself when we start v1.x.


I would like to work with you if your an asset to the team/mod. But the mod is large enough and there is more than enough to do, without having to waste energy and time dealing with an issue like this. If your willing to work with us, on the vision we have of the mod, that's great. But if your uncompromising, especially on a key point like this, I'd suggest beginning your own project.


It's unfortunate, but better you know now, so you don't waste energy on the project (unless your willing to be flexible).

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Razzy, I can understand the issue with locations. One of my big sticklers in the early stages was with teh design... n retrospect, I should have compromised more. I tried my hand at world editing, but I didn't get too far, so I really didn't have any right to complain.

That said, from the fiascoes I've had with scripting, I agree that the rideable creature script overrules level design... we have to work with the game engine here.

In any event, I feel kind of useless right now, most of my input has been bouncing ideas off of people, but frankly, I'm starting to get lost in the actual implementation. The story/plotline is more or less resolved, from what I understand, so I'll stick to the terminal entries. I'm good at those.


Speaking of which, how many story terminals are there going to be? Obviously it wouldn't be a good idea to dump everything in Bill's main files, but it can't be out in the open, either. At least, not above ground.


Sunset Sam could be a good source of backstory that the MF/Bill would otherwise erase, i.e. Bill's identity, the MF's plans wrt the tribals. What facilities are in the Vault area?

Vault ID... I'm trying to think of a non-number code for the Sunset Vault. It isn't one of the standard, open-to-the-public variants; it's actually meant to house Bill, and not just use him as a lab rat. Is /was the Enclave explicitly involved with the Vaults? I can see them admitting VIPs into their save-humanity trust fund; I've been dreaming of a Hawaii mod linked to my airship concept, with a mish-mash of European gentry/capitalists setting up a secure haven on tropical islands under the Enclave/US goverment's protection....

I digress. The main thing is that the wealthiest men of the day could survive in enclave-style clusters, while the proletarians are used as living experiments.


THe MF screwed everything up, exploiting the confusion to seize control a la Skynet. Or maybe Bill was double-crossed. Persoannly, I prefer the former, with the surviving elite turning on each other for survival/MF's amusement...

Bill could have been forced to fight gladiator combat with the other elite trapped by the MF. This could be as a human- wounded in teh arena- or after he/they are turned into tin-can cyborgs... the MF would be "testing the adaptability" of human minds, seeing which brain would be the fastest to adapt a tin can body.


Sort of a Battle-Royale showdown between the former elites, wealthy capitalists, celebrities and government officials, learning the nature of power in a post-apocalyptic world.

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Got a few projects in RL going on so I'll probably split the responses to your post (and the info on plotline you requested from before) into several messages....


Speaking of which, how many story terminals are there going to be? Obviously it wouldn't be a good idea to dump everything in Bill's main files, but it can't be out in the open, either. At least, not above ground.


That's a good question, also ties into where Bills main offices are, are there any permanent residences, how many subterranean levels there would be and how many modern conveniences thre would be in the non-historical attractions (villa, northern town).


Do we want Bills main office to be on main street (maybe overlooking the casino, top floor) with his main residence in the villa? That could tie in, if we have other (semi) permanent residences in the villa. Then you'd have two main sources/locations with Bills fingerprints on them.


In re: to the villa. Should they be semi-permanent vacation residences or just a spruced up hotel? If we go with vacation mini-mansions you can have other captains of industry upper elite types (or just cash flush) types and they could have a lot of back history on Bill, plus a snapshot of everything that was going on when the bombs fell.


So, as far as the sub-levels I was thinking the levels under main street and the villa would be pretty big, for maintenance and what have you. But even smaller attractions like northern world, outlaw world and spanish mission world could have a small sub level (enough for a security office and a little 4 man cell for the unruly, small armory, doctors office/first aid, etc).


And really anything that has to do with security could have some notes about Bill (his personality, his amassing of arms and military like training etc). Plus I kind of see Bronco Bill being even more paranoid (with good reason, as things turned out) than the already paranoid population of fallout's US (about war with China). So in my mind every place in the valley could have a military/strategic purpose as well as it's entertainment/commercial purpose.


The hotel on main street could also have a terminal in each room, or diaries etc. They may not have much in the way of Bill but they could chronicle when the bombs fell and the massacre on main street.


Also you could have info on Bill from high profile contractors that he would meet with personally. The vault-tec people, Poseidon Energy energy (solar plant), Robco (for all the bots), others(?)


I think one of us is going to have to do some research on disneyland, disny world etc and see not just how things actually work, but also the fictive aspects like rumors, legends etc.

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Got a few projects in RL going on so I'll probably split the responses to your post (and the info on plotline you requested from before) into several messages....


Speaking of which, how many story terminals are there going to be? Obviously it wouldn't be a good idea to dump everything in Bill's main files, but it can't be out in the open, either. At least, not above ground.


That's a good question, also ties into where Bills main offices are, are there any permanent residences, how many subterranean levels there would be and how many modern conveniences thre would be in the non-historical attractions (villa, northern town).


Do we want Bills main office to be on main street (maybe overlooking the casino, top floor) with his main residence in the villa? That could tie in, if we have other (semi) permanent residences in the villa. Then you'd have two main sources/locations with Bills fingerprints on them.


In re: to the villa. Should they be semi-permanent vacation residences or just a spruced up hotel? If we go with vacation mini-mansions you can have other captains of industry upper elite types (or just cash flush) types and they could have a lot of back history on Bill, plus a snapshot of everything that was going on when the bombs fell.


So, as far as the sub-levels I was thinking the levels under main street and the villa would be pretty big, for maintenance and what have you. But even smaller attractions like northern world, outlaw world and spanish mission world could have a small sub level (enough for a security office and a little 4 man cell for the unruly, small armory, doctors office/first aid, etc).


And really anything that has to do with security could have some notes about Bill (his personality, his amassing of arms and military like training etc). Plus I kind of see Bronco Bill being even more paranoid (with good reason, as things turned out) than the already paranoid population of fallout's US (about war with China). So in my mind every place in the valley could have a military/strategic purpose as well as it's entertainment/commercial purpose.


The hotel on main street could also have a terminal in each room, or diaries etc. They may not have much in the way of Bill but they could chronicle when the bombs fell and the massacre on main street.


Also you could have info on Bill from high profile contractors that he would meet with personally. The vault-tec people, Poseidon Energy energy (solar plant), Robco (for all the bots), others(?)


I think one of us is going to have to do some research on disneyland, disny world etc and see not just how things actually work, but also the fictive aspects like rumors, legends etc.

I'll see what I can find.

General dieas so far:

terminals for the capitalists (mostly for the general atmosphere of the elite Pre-War society, and intriguing responses to the bomb drops)

Resarch levels, including a psyche ward (it's self aware, right? It needs mental evaluations)

bio-facilities, i.e. lobotomy, preservation, etc.

cyborg stuff, esp. wrt brain bots



two residences for Bill- one, being his "Business" suite above ground, and a linked (i.e. express elevator) vault safehouse including armory, etc. It would probably be the weak link in the defenses- the best way for an anti-MF/Bill-allied player to get underground.

substations in the park, with tidbits including the spies, general events, etc.

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Some protectron projects. The bots on the left are standard, except I had to cut a hand off, that's where a shortened slimboy (which is itself a smaller fatboy) will be attached. They are there for comparisons. The two bots on the right are going to be heavy weapons protectrons, I made the legs thicker and overall more broad. I'm also using the construction dome on the yellow, it has the appearance of armor with the lens. The middle pic armor I'm thinking of putting together for the heavy weapons droid, it's from the enclave poewr armor. The upper right is a wig, finally go those going.






The heavy weapon protectrons are working well, no clipping. although the death animations are a little weird.


The middle pic with the armor is just started so I don't know if I can get it going without clipping. What do you guys think, would a protectron with armor be cool? Worth doing?


The wigs (that's a buzzcut) almost completes the western protectrons. I have a hankerchief, shirts and pants to finish.

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Sunset Sam could be a good source of backstory that the MF/Bill would otherwise erase, i.e. Bill's identity, the MF's plans wrt the tribals.


What facilities are in the Vault area?


For the mini vault (bills vault) I'm thinking a luxury suite, and a armory. I'm sure you can think of more, but those are probably the minimum. Much smaller than a full sized vault, on the order of the lucky 38 presidential suite maybe? I figured it would be used to hold less than a dozen people. Say Bill, companion android, cook, few trusted security team members that had served with bill in the army.


But the lower levels/sub-levels will use vault assets/tile sets with some minor re-textures. So they would probably be pretty similar to vaults. Their sizes would depend on what was above them. The villa sub-leve would probably be the biggest, with the main street sub-levels being next largest. The sub-levels under outlaw town, spanish villa, kentucky ghost house etc would all be pretty small (security office, 4 man holding cell, a doctors office with a autodoc, break room. not much else).


The differences would be;

They are just one or two floors under ground, not deep underground costing billions.

They wouldn't be stocked with food, water etc to last for years. Nor would they have any advanced life support.

Mostly they would be offices for security and day to day operations, doctors office, lunch room, bot/VR repair and other industrial/maintenance facilities/machine shop. There might be a few beds and private rooms, but they would be rare (not something you see often in the workplace).


But if we go with the villa having resort homes/vacation homes that the elite own instead of just rent during occasional trips then the big homes in the villa's could have personal vaults too.


Vault ID... I'm trying to think of a non-number code for the Sunset Vault.


Not to worry if you can't come up with something, the private vaults didn't necessarily have vault id's just the 122 public vaults.


It isn't one of the standard, open-to-the-public variants; it's actually meant to house Bill, and not just use him as a lab rat. Is /was the Enclave explicitly involved with the Vaults? I can see them admitting VIPs into their save-humanity trust fund;


Yes they were. It was a joint project between The shadow gov (the precurser of the enclave) and vault-tec. Although interestingly enough, vault tec scientists actually had plans of their own in re: to dealing with the enclave and had a secret/central vault they were going wait out the war in that the enclave didn't know about (it was under Los Ybanez, TX).


But I believe your on target as far as the elite vaults. Probably was quite a few, it would make sense.


I've been dreaming of a Hawaii mod linked to my airship concept, with a mish-mash of European gentry/capitalists setting up a secure haven on tropical islands under the Enclave/US goverment's protection....

I digress. The main thing is that the wealthiest men of the day could survive in enclave-style clusters, while the proletarians are used as living experiments.


Makes sense to me. The official lore is that the vaults were experiments for re-colonizing earth or another planet. But I don't think that precludes smaller enclave vaults for the elite.


THe MF screwed everything up, exploiting the confusion to seize control a la Skynet. Or maybe Bill was double-crossed. Persoannly, I prefer the former, with the surviving elite turning on each other for survival/MF's amusement...


Yeah I prefer the former too, but lets keep it intentionally obscure. Leaving the possibility open that it could have been a response to the war (communist defense program), the mass riot during the park exodus (crowd pacification gone wrong), total mental breakdown of the mainframe (psychotic break), meglamanical grab for power (organic cpu malfunction) or any of a number of things. If we keep it vague we can walk a morally ambiguous line, so things are not easy/simple for hte player. That always seems to be a trademark fallout trait.


Bill could have been forced to fight gladiator combat with the other elite trapped by the MF. This could be as a human- wounded in teh arena- or after he/they are turned into tin-can cyborgs... the MF would be "testing the adaptability" of human minds, seeing which brain would be the fastest to adapt a tin can body.


Sure we could do something like that, but really, really stress that these were tests and not for the MF's amusement, otherwise we loose that moral ambiguity. It's going to be a hard act to pull off anyway since the mainframe is stealing gray matter like a kid in a candy shop. But an argument could be made (by the MF itself) that it's no different than the player, which kills other lower creatures for sustenance. The MF may even argue that a lot of animals humans eat now are much more intelligent than pre-war, not to mention killing super mutants is genocide etc etc. But if the "tests" are seen as entertainment, than any explanation other than pure cruelty isn't going to fly, and puts hte MF pretty firmly in the evil camp.



Sort of a Battle-Royale showdown between the former elites, wealthy capitalists, celebrities and government officials, learning the nature of power in a post-apocalyptic world.


I think it's a interesting idea, initially maybe in the first few years. But hard to explain it continuing for 200 years if it wasn't entertainment.

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