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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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Powerthirst: it's like riding a pony, which sounds totally lame but the pony's 50 feet tall and covered in chainsaws...

(or something to that effect)


Lol, wow, I was just thinking a duraframe for some +DT and some extra health


So had an idea for the dedicated vendortrons. If they never leave their booths we can have a cut down model. They could be attached to vendor carts (like the cotton candy, hotdogs etc), wagon drivers and vendor booths (as well as carnival booths). Let me know what you guys think;



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Well started on the robo-coyote. The model for rex and a coyote (sans cybernetics) are almost exactly the same, slight difference in the chest and some hair on the chest/stomach and tail. So I decided to try and make a biological front leg;




But I can't get it to export from blender to a nif. Rex's back legs are just too funky and that's where all my errors during export are showing up :down: so that sucks.


So instead I just re-assigned the coyote texture. I can change the dome a little, different colored fluid, glowing brain etc. I can also retexture the cybernetics (clean it up to make it look shiny and new, or a glowmap for lighted circuits etc), but for now that's about all I can do with the robo-coyote.

This is what he looks like so far;



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OBTW just a quick heads up. If we don't get enough ideas for encounters in hte next few days we'll miss our deadline. Then we'll probably have to wait until a week or two after Lonesome Road is released (because I'm sure we're all going to be pretty busy playing the last dlc as will most of the regular vistors to nexus). So if you have ideas send them my way.


Little off topic, but I'm really surprised there won't be a area 51 dlc :down:

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OBTW just a quick heads up. If we don't get enough ideas for encounters in hte next few days we'll miss our deadline. Then we'll probably have to wait until a week or two after Lonesome Road is released (because I'm sure we're all going to be pretty busy playing the last dlc as will most of the regular vistors to nexus). So if you have ideas send them my way.


Little off topic, but I'm really surprised there won't be a area 51 dlc :down:

No Area 51?!!!



Anyway, the hellhorse would be more of an aesthetic thing, i.e. flames, very dark color scheme (maybe even a "bone" body, i.e. skele-horse) that might also give a flame attack or something... There could be a few other upgrades for the more... non-violent? :tongue:

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Here are some of my ideas for encounters:



Giant Frilled Lizard (retextured gecko)

Giant Armadillo (retextured mole rat)

Giant Spider (retextured ant)

Vultures (only seen in the air like in Fallout 3)

Nightstalkers (only on the outskirts of the map)

Jackalope (as an easter egg)





Mutated Cactus (shoots projectiles similar to the Bloatfly)

Grass (mostly brown and tall)

Other regular New Vegas plants


Humanoid types:

Ghouls (workers that survived)

Feral Ghouls (not sure if it'd work but still an idea)

Super Mutant/s (just because I'd love to see one in a cowboy oufit)

Humans (Tribals, Traders, the owner of SV, etc.)



Hope those help! ;)

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hwy guys as i was reading over ur thingamabobber ive found some things i can help wi

; for building resources there is this resource http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37531 i think it would work well with what u r doing, and i do have a idea; could www be in the upper right corner of the new vegas map? so u can fast travel 2 it? (that corner itrritates me) u dont need 2 open www into new vegas, and if u want 2 retexture somat the easy way create a new texture set in geck misc. so u can have a new textuer come up in that texture list that pops up when u edit meshes thnks!

Edited by rubyfire1
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Here are some of my ideas for encounters:



Giant Frilled Lizard (retextured gecko)


That might be possible I'll have to look at some pics and see if I can add a frill. But I don't think they'r native to the Mojave, aren't they aussie or soemthing. Not necessarily a show stopper. We do have a Gila Gecko


Giant Armadillo (retextured mole rat)

Giant Spider (retextured ant)


Unfortunately you really can't do a re-texture of a vanilla model to make these creatures look like something else. You would have to change the model, otherwise they just look like a different colored mole rat and giant ant.


Vultures (only seen in the air like in Fallout 3)


Vultures are in NV too, we won't forget them.


Nightstalkers (only on the outskirts of the map)


Sure we could probably throw a few in....


Jackalope (as an easter egg)


Yeah I'v been wanting to do a jackalope for a wild wasteland encounter for a while. I have permission from Mr. Silka to use his rabbit/bunny, but it is based on the oblivion rat skeleton and I have to find a way around it (which I don't think it will be easy).





Mutated Cactus (shoots projectiles similar to the Bloatfly)


Yep we will have some colorful cacti if at all possible. Not only will there be normal tumbleweeds but at least one encounter will have green glowing radioactive tumbleweeds (cut content). The mutated cactus is an interesting idea, if it can be done without a animation I might try that.


Humanoid types:

Ghouls (workers that survived)

Feral Ghouls (not sure if it'd work but still an idea)

Super Mutant/s (just because I'd love to see one in a cowboy oufit)

Humans (Tribals, Traders, the owner of SV, etc.)


We do have Ghouls (civilized) that survived hidden in the reactor sub-levels. The humans are the tribals in the car fort plus a few other survivors hear and there (a survivalist, a partially ghoulified Haitien woman, etc). Feral ghouls and supermutants would probably be destroyed a long time ago. But one of the tribals has giantism (he's a sort of war chief, but also a gentle giant) and he could wear some western gear.


hwy guys as i was reading over ur thingamabobber ive found some things i can help wi

; for building resources there is this resource http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37531 i think it would work well with what u r doing, and i do have a idea; could www be in the upper right corner of the new vegas map? so u can fast travel 2 it? (that corner itrritates me) u dont need 2 open www into new vegas, and if u want 2 retexture somat the easy way create a new texture set in geck misc. so u can have a new textuer come up in that texture list that pops up when u edit meshes thnks!


Thanks Rubyfire1, I'll check out that link. As far as fast travel, I'm sure we could get a map marker for the valley entrance, don't think that will be a problem. For locations I was thinking NW corner, but that's not set in stone. Sorry not too sure what your saying about the texture sets


No Area 51?!!!



I know, I don't get it. What could possibly be a cooler setting than area 51?!?! BTW check out post #5 on this page area 51 is freak'n huge. Enough there to make the dlc's look tiny by comparison. Can't wait to start on that one. But I'v got 5 mods going already, so as difficult as it is, just gotta wait. Do you want to start on the crater (or trench as the case may be) and 1st mothership? If so I can start adding area 51 content as early as the 1st week of Oct.


Currently I'v got 3 encounters (maybe 4 if I throw in K8-E, but I'd rather include her in the prequel) so we will probably miss our deadline (only 4 days to lonesome road). That means the revised date will be a week or two after the dlc comes out (depending on how long it is) putting the show case in late Sept early Oct.


I was able to muddle through the robo coyote thing. As a by product of the problem with Rex's legs not exporting I cut each one off to addon in the geck. Sort of like making a toolset. It allows us to have robodogs with zero, one, two or three cybernetic leg(s). There are some details to work out (armor is pretty tight, so some minor clipping, a problem with bones in the jaw, still need to shape the head for a dome etc.) but overall it worked out much better than I expected. This will also be possible with the dogs, so we can have several models of cyberdogs. Here is a pic of the robocoyotes, they use the real coyote models instead of a re-textured rex.





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Alright, I'll see what I can do canyonwise.

Anything in particular I should keep in mind? IE rough geographic location, climate, general shape, etc? My recollection is rather vague. IIRC I proposed that part of the anti-grav thing failed and part of the UFO dragged/skidded along the route until it broke off or something, but I can't remember what the general consensus was. I also want/need to work more with the Google Docs files, and I'm trying my hand with Google Sketchup for "concept art" of sorts. Could it be used to get meshes in game?

Personally, I'd rather focus primarily on one big project at a time (hard, but necessary) instead of working on many things at once.

So, do you want me to concentrate on Sketchpad, Docs or GECK for the short term?

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