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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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Hi, i've been reading this thread for some time and I'd like to help on the plot/storyline department.


First, I think a tragic approach is in order. You've already talked about the creator of the park for a bit and I must say he should be an omnious presence in the mod, think of him as a head-strong texan type, a vissionary entrepreneur with an eccentric personality. His dream is to build a theme park based on his childhood passion: Cowboys! of course he's the biggest Sunset stock holder and as such much of the park's purpose is to increase the company's assets and marketing impact.


Lets draw inspiration from two places here, the Walt disney myth and the Portal 2 story.


Whose brain is it? this is when tragedy comes into play, A dying son -or daughter- afflicted with a terrible, degenerative neurological dissease -hence the madness of the mainframe- Perhaps related to nuka-cola in some way or even to the repconn shakes.

A powerful father, desperate to save his child; -also very passionate about the wild west- goes to many doctors, scientists and experts in hopes for a cure but finds nothing. All seemed lost, the dreams he had of his child enjoying his wonderful cowboy land were to be crushed. One day however, He meets Robert Edwin House who in an act of "kindness" offers a solution of sorts, he's interested in testing out certain life-support systems he's developing in secret based on his Robobrain technologies. He proposes to and hooking the child's brain to a life-support system and turning him into the core processor of a computer. Assuring the childs brain and personality would remain the same, house and his group of scientists perform a surgery and remove the brain to scan it and "download" it's contents on a new, a vat-grown version that's free of any damage.


However, the father is not satisfied with having his child inhabit a small computer, he desires him to be able to enjoy the theme park that's about to be finished and opened to the general public. He comes to house and his scientists again to help him hook the child's brain to the mainframe of the park so he can manage and enjoy every ride and attraction in it, at first house is hesitant to let such a young mind be responsiblefor so many systems and machines, but he's also intrigued by the posibilities, it's a perfect testing grounds for his future plans so he agrees to help once again. However, the damage was already done, although the new brain is fresh and healthy, the mind is fractured and twisted, slowly evolving into a state of dementia and delirium.


I think the robotic brain must get some sort of reward after each use of the attractions something to emulate the thrills a normal child would get from a roller coaster and such, this way the mainframe got pretty much high every time someone used one of the rides, after the bombs fell he had no one to use the attractions and there was no more satisfaction to ease his pain (both mental anguish and his withdrawal symptoms) this caused him to become a derranged and sadistical thing who let's tribals in once in a while to use the rides as to "play games" and slaughter them in the end.

This year, however, the mainframe grows tired of the simple tribals that are no longer fun to toy with and he wants special guests, so it sents out invitations with promises of adventures and great old-world rewards across the mojave (maybe using tribals delivering flyers or something).

The courier decides to investigate but he's not the only one after the treasures of Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World, as several wanderes, raiders and prospectors answer to the invitation. Soon they'll realize they've been caught in a giant death trap and they'll have to battle eachother as well as dangers within the park for survival and the amazing riches it houses.

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Hi CapWanta. Some intriguing ideas. I'v been slammed this week so I havn't had time to form a cogent response to your post. But I look forward to discussing these suggestions (and hopefully future ones) with you soon. I have Fri-Sun off and and will start back in on the modding then. We can throw some ideas back and forth.
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Hi CapWanta. Some intriguing ideas. I'v been slammed this week so I havn't had time to form a cogent response to your post. But I look forward to discussing these suggestions (and hopefully future ones) with you soon. I have Fri-Sun off and and will start back in on the modding then. We can throw some ideas back and forth.



Oh sure, It'd be awesome to help. I have to work all of this week but i still have plenty of time in between to join this project and see where it goes.


One question though how would we be establishing contact?

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I'v been thinking about horses. I have to admit I was pretty disappointed that none were included in a western-ish setting like the mojave. And of course it's a large part of the style of that we're going for in the sunset park.


Sooo...I thought i'd work on making one. I'd probably use the brahmin skeleton and the rideable creatures script. The downside to the brahmin model is the animations attack via butting, the upside is you get two headed horses which are very fallout-ish. Although in the fallout comic with chase and the rest of hte guys in the mojave I think the horses had 1 head. We'd probably have a variety. Some with two heads, a few with one head, some with horns, some with unique tails etc. Things that can be changed relatively easily without fubaring the skeleton. The variety will fit in well with the general randomness of mutations in the fallout universe.


The rideable creatures script isn't perfect. At least initially it would put you into first person only while mounted (although that can be changed, as other mods based of the same script allow 3rd person view ). And occasionally you can loose a lot of speed when your on a surface with a large vertical change. But overall it's workable.


But obviously it would be a lot of effort so I thought I'd test the waters first. No point in devoting the time if it's not something players will enjoy. So let me know if we want horses in the park as well as a possible mount.


P.S. also you can check out some short videos to give you an idea what a mount would be like






Edited by devinpatterson
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Not sure if you saw but I posted a Giddyup Buttercup that uses all the bighorner anims. One cool thing is that it makes sense to attack with a head butt because he's made of metal.

Of course they eat grass too, but anything can be explained with "programming".


Oh yeah definitely, excellent work on buttercup. You may not remember, since I know you have a lot of PM's for help (some from myself) and requests for your modding resources, but a little while back we had talked about putting him/her (it?) in teh park. And while it is awesome addition, and I'll make great use of it, I really feel like organic/mutant horses should be in the park too.


Do you recommend the bighorner skeleton over the brahmin? The reason I ask is it seems like the brahmin would be the only choice for a two headed horse. I'm assuming the animations for two heads are unique to the brahmin. I figure I could then just lop off that part of the mesh for the 1 headed variety. Put some horns on to explain the butting behavior (mutations abound).


Would you have any suggestions/tips?


I know you probably don't have much in the way of free time, but is a horse a project you might consider? I ask because I know you'v done a lot of work with skeletons and I know your results would be much better than my own.

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I thought we had but couldn't remember for sure.

The bighorner is much easier to work with than the brahmin, mainly because of the 2 heads. I could never get the anims to come out right so I gave up. If I was going to pick another one, I might try a yao guai. The gait might be a little weird but you did say they were mutants. Their attack might be similar to something a horse would use, assuming it was going to attack something.

You would have to make it depend on Honest Hearts also, there's no yao guai skeleton in vanilla NV.

No other existing critters come to mind for me. Nightstalker maybe? I don't know what kind of animations they have, really. I haven't messed with them too much

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I thought we had but couldn't remember for sure.

The bighorner is much easier to work with than the brahmin, mainly because of the 2 heads.


Gotcha, but using the brahmin for a two headed horse shouldn't be as difficult as fitting buttercups (single headed) mesh to the skeleton though.......or is it other issues?



I might try a yao guai. The gait might be a little weird but you did say they were mutants. Their attack might be similar to something a horse would use, assuming it was going to attack something.


Last time I owned a horse was in my late teens and he was pretty friendly, so I didn't see much fighting. But if I remember right they do bite a lot when the stallions are fighting or when they'r just being an ass. And maybe the paws could be made to look like front hoof kicks. What would be really cool, would be to tear into endorphin and use a jumping animation as the basis for a rear hoof kick. But I'v never used the software :pinch:

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