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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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Wait, could that work with the cyborgs?


Sorry, do you mean the Protectron Mark II's? If so, yes it should be possible to split the dome off from the mesh, add a alpha prop and put a brain and eyeballs in there, just like the protectron brainbot. They can use lever action rifles, revolvers, all the western weapons we need for cowboy protectrons. They can use spear and tomahawk for indian protectrons.


They can use just about any off the shelf weapon and it's corresponding animations (from minigun to gernade). With work in blender they could be made to wear some types of armor (maybe most if we really muck around with the meshes), but I havn't found a easy way to switch out armor/attire on the fly like you can for npc's (because I'd have to have a way to swap the whole model). But other than that caveat they should be able to use almost anything a human can.

Edited by devinpatterson
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Robco headquarters;


Essentially it will look like a much larger version (since this is the home of Robco) of the fallout 3 RobCo facility. Like the FO3 Robco facility it will include a computer/mainframe room, offices, cafeteria and factory floor. But it will also include a much fancier lobby with more robots on display, and a subterranean R&D level.



Much fancier than the fo3 facility, something along the same class as the lucky38 furnishings. Has several older deactivated protectron models on display, as well as a construction, nuka cola, army and sunset protectron. Has a friendly active protectron (or two) dressed in 1950's attire to help with customer service and act as a tour guide for the antique models on display. Several hats and coats left in the lobby are in a lost and found box. Gift shop (may have a 1 foot tall protectron toy for sale). Will certainly have lots of pointless crap like cups, paper weights etc.


A central display that has a holgram of the mark II protectron, that acts as an interactive advertising display. It will have several buttons where you can see it perform actions such as cleaning (sweeping), dancing, acting as a butler (in full attire) etc whatever npc animations we want it to do. These will be stressed in the advertisement voice over as the advantages in flexibility over the older mark I models. Besides it looking cool as 1. a hologram and 2. a dancing protectron it also serves a couple of extra functions; It ties the mark II's to sunset park and it's subtle intelligence on the players future enemies (hopefully the advertisement will convey the idea to the player that the Mark II's can use human weapons and or armor). I'll contact Skiethrunner and see if he can do a cheesy 50's style advertisement voice over for us.


Probably a securitron on display as well.


Security is off in the lobby so there are no aggressive bots. It can only be entered from the offices, the outside entrance is buried. Public bathroom.


Factory floor*******************************************************************************

Pretty much the same as the fo3 robco facility. Bots are aggresive unless the mainframe has been hacked. Don't have many ideas for this area so any suggestions are welcome



Your typical offices, with cafeteria, rec/break room, bathroom etc. There were a couple of levels but now only the ground level is fully accessible and a small portion of the 2nd level. The 3rd and 4the level are crushed by the freeway segment. It also has hte emails sent to/from the sunset HQ's (about the maintenance and bottling bots), emails re: the sunset park bots, the secret emails on the repcon takeover etc. On one terminal will be the clues needed (from a shipping invoice and request for construction/maintenance protectrons to repair problems in teh sewer ) to put together the approximate location and possible entrance to the sewers under the sunset park. Some of the employees that were working on a Saturday that have perished will be here (unless maintenance bots have cleaned up), dead rad roaches, probably some scrawled notes and or a skeleton or two held up in a office supply closet with empty caned food. That kind of stuff.


R&D floor*********************************************************************************

Heavy security on this floor. Hear there will be at least one heavy weapon protectron, with notes on military contracts. Not sure if the heavy bot will be active, deactivated or just parts. But it should convey that they can use heavy weapons like tesla canons, fatboys etc so the player can be prepared. In addition we will have (if I have time to complete them) modified securitrons with more advanced weapons. If you have any suggestions for the R&D floor, feel free to post them.


All locations except the lobby will probably have mobile facial scanners and securitrons on security detail.

Edited by devinpatterson
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Do you want me to try my hand at the factory level? I haven't done anything with navmesh but the level design itself seems fun.

How many floors? I see 2 or three (probably 2- buried beneath the freeway, it could easily be crushed... how about entering through a busted out section of the top floor?) above ground, plus several (>3) basement levels a la the Repconn facility.

Could the Lucky 38 window pieces be utilized somehow? Maybe a hanging observation platform over a massive subterranean factory...

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By the way, I think I got a voice for your announcer character. If you like it or dislike it let me know and give me some opinions on what should be changed. How should I send you the file?


I usually throw stuff up on media fire if it's more then a few MB's, if it's smaller than that you can just email me directly. Let me know if you need a PM with my email

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