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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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I was a FO3 guy. I liked the weird Sci-fi patriotic vibe it gave (like aliens, redneck inbred mutants, robots with powdered wigs, a military operation simulator). If I had the money I would buy FO3 on steam. Anyway the closest thing to western in FO3 was Simms. I do however think that the Nuka-Nation would fit perfectly in that game.

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i had a thought that if sunset had a theme park it's more then likely so did nuka cola so maybe some references or posters close to the entrance. it would look like they were trying to steal customers. A possible name could be "Nuke Nation" it would be very patriotic and might encourage children by telling them they could become "Nuka-Nauts" like astronauts just a thought thanks.

Nuka-nauts and some promotional material (like a nuka bottle being the rocket with a nukanaught on top) would make some good posters. We have quite a bit in the thread about nuka cola in regard to;

*corporate espionage.

*The nuka mainframe trying to kill the sunset mainframe to finally corner the market

*The Sunset Sherrifs and Nuka Rockets football team and their long running rivalry (because everyone needs a stylish suit of personalized football armor).

*A near by nuka cola bottling facility.

*and more, that I'm sure I'm forgetting....


Hit the search with nuka and you can see some of the ideas in the thread and help build on them. However we don't really have plans for a nuka park per se. My impression is that NV is not Nuka Cola's corporate home, as it is for Sunset. Based on the notes in the nuka cola plant, I suspect Nuka's corporate headquarters are in D.C. and a Nuka amusement park would be more likely to be on the east coast near there. However there are some nuka assets I'v made here and there that will show up in the NV nuka bottling facility;








As the above poster stated, Sunset might try to discourage the appeal of Nuka cola by having several posters that might bad mouth Nuka cola.

Hell I could see the possibility of Sunsets little plays or entertainment services fighting against a group of bandits "High" on the disgusting formula of another cola and Commuinism.

I think, and I could be totally off on this, s/he was saying some posters (and I suspect s/he actually mean't some billboards) near the Sunset park with Nuka advertising. But either/both could work (Sunset advertising near the Nuka bottling facility, Nuka advertising near the Sunset theme park).


The concept of Nuka bandits and some subtle (or not so subtle) nuka bashing is a great idea :smile:


I do however think that the Nuka-Nation would fit perfectly in that game.

Sorry, could you expand on that?

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i had a thought that if sunset had a theme park it's more then likely so did nuka cola so maybe some references or posters close to the entrance. it would look like they were trying to steal customers. A possible name could be "Nuke Nation" it would be very patriotic and might encourage children by telling them they could become "Nuka-Nauts" like astronauts just a thought thanks.

Nuka-nauts and some promotional material (like a nuka bottle being the rocket with a nukanaught on top) would make some good posters. We have quite a bit in the thread about nuka cola in regard to;

*corporate espionage.

*The nuka mainframe trying to kill the sunset mainframe to finally corner the market

*The Sunset Sherrifs and Nuka Rockets football team and their long running rivalry (because everyone needs a stylish suit of personalized football armor).

*A near by nuka cola bottling facility.

*and more, that I'm sure I'm forgetting....


Hit the search with nuka and you can see some of the ideas in the thread and help build on them. However we don't really have plans for a nuka park per se. My impression is that NV is not Nuka Cola's corporate home, as it is for Sunset. Based on the notes in the nuka cola plant, I suspect Nuka's corporate headquarters are in D.C. and a Nuka amusement park would be more likely to be on the east coast near there. However there are some nuka assets I'v made here and there that will show up in the NV nuka bottling facility;








As the above poster stated, Sunset might try to discourage the appeal of Nuka cola by having several posters that might bad mouth Nuka cola.

Hell I could see the possibility of Sunsets little plays or entertainment services fighting against a group of bandits "High" on the disgusting formula of another cola and Commuinism.

I think, and I could be totally off on this, s/he was saying some posters (and I suspect s/he actually mean't some billboards) near the Sunset park with Nuka advertising. But either/both could work (Sunset advertising near the Nuka bottling facility, Nuka advertising near the Sunset theme park).


The concept of Nuka bandits and some subtle (or not so subtle) nuka bashing is a great idea :smile:


I do however think that the Nuka-Nation would fit perfectly in that game.

Sorry, could you expand on that?


It would fit perfectly in the Fo3 game, The SSWWW would be better for NV

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Finished rigging Nuky (the Nuka Cola bottling facility tour guide and mascot) last night. Tough to get those stubby little legs, and the brain could be set up better, but checked all the animations and he's good to go. Have a few rough spots I need to take care off (remove some of the nuka cola lettering, change the dome to a whiter color), and a special effect when he creates a ice cold nuka cola (based on teh same tech as the sierria madre machines), but essentially done.


PIC; http://i1066.photobucket.com/albums/u404/devinlpatterson/FONV%20Mods-works%20in%20progress/NukySmall_zps8dab695d.jpg








I'm going to try one more model that will be the equivalent of a protectron arm and legs sticking out of a giant nuka cola bottle and then decide what model to go with.


Nuky is going to be the counterpart to the Sunset Park's Texas Teddy, except that the park has tons of teddy's, while the Nuka bottling facility has only one Nuky (probably).


Here is a video of an early version of the Texas Teddy, but the boots and hats will be Sunset swag (yellow and red), just like the Sunset protectrons;


VID; http://i1066.photobucket.com/albums/u404/devinlpatterson/FONV%20Mods-works%20in%20progress/TexasTeddy_zpsf663c4aa.jpg







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Although I haven't really posted about this project. It is one I have been quietly following over the years. Just wanted to see it's looking great and keep up the good work!


Thanks Raverbane. I think it's a really solid story, and that more than anything motivates me.

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Thats grand. If this is going to be an Amusment park like area Might I suggest a rollar coaster mine ride you have to traverse in order to get the only working maintence keycard.

"Festus's Claim"

Basically its a rollar coaster/cave system that is full of corpses, ghouls and and crazed Robot cowboys.....Fun.

The Creepypasta Abandoned by Disney would be a nice little source material for some creepy moments in the mine(read it if you like as its got some great imagery and creepy moments). I mean imagine your walking through a near empty amusement park, creepy music is playing, you see signs of a struggle all over with blood stains yet no skeletons are visable, and halfway through the mine all the lights shut off and all you hear is a ghouls snarl.

To intensify the creepyness of the coaster you could do what they did in Fallout 3 in that museum where you got the tour of the vault. Have an announcer state over an intercom(in a wild west way) varouis little things like:

"Look out Parthners... Ole Crazy Dan and his Gang are after my claim! Lets loose em!"

"I think we lost em!..Whoo and its all thanks to the refreshing taste of Sarsaparilla."

"I think its smooth sailing from -HEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE!!" (a large drop which you have to walk around via the maintence door to the left)

"Ya know...Some people say this place is haunted...but ole Festus dont believe in that...in that....in that....in tha---at"(slows down as music and all stops)


But of course the creepy factor is merely an option.

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