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Differences Between First and Third Aldmeri Dominion


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http://i57.tinypic.com/24mhzzl.png the First Aldmeri Dominion VS the Third Aldmeri Dominion http://i58.tinypic.com/2ds38yb.png


I decided to buy Elder Scrolls Online. But, I couldn't decided which faction I belong. I have read the purposes of all factions and the First Aldmeri Dominion looked so good. It was suprising because; I hate the Third Aldmeri Dominion(Thalmor) in Skyrim. First one is kinda good eventhough; third one is evil in my opinion. As a stormcloak, it is really confuses me. I want to specify, I am a stormcloak because; Imperial Legion and the Thalmor doesn't respect others' lifestyles and pantheons. But; I am non-Nord(I generally play as Imperial, Aldmer or Argonian) and I hate some stormcloaks because of their behaviour against Dunmer people. I hate discrimination in virtual life (alongside real life ofcourse). I want to learn your thoughts about differences between the First Aldmeri Dominion and the Thalmor.

Edited by MercilessPathfinder
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The short story of them is first Dominion are basically like the Nazis they want total domination on Tamriel, an new age of Elven rule. When you put the alliances in perspective definitely the dominion have far more evil intentions.

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The short story of them is first Dominion are basically like the Nazis they want total domination on Tamriel, an new age of Elven rule. When you put the alliances in perspective definitely the dominion have far more evil intentions.


But, I think the first one wanted to capture tamriel to train other folks not to purge them or their pantheons. Just to wanted bring them knowledge like elves from Lord of the Rings. (I haven't played Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind or Oblivion by the way) Can you give me some examples about your opinion? Maybe quotes from some books or quests?

Edited by MercilessPathfinder
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The short story of them is first Dominion are basically like the Nazis they want total domination on Tamriel, an new age of Elven rule. When you put the alliances in perspective definitely the dominion have far more evil intentions.


But, I think the first one wanted to capture tamriel to train other folks not to purge them or their pantheons. Just to wanted bring them knowledge like elves from Lord of the Rings. (I haven't played Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind or Oblivion by the way) Can you give me some examples about your opinion? Maybe some quests? Or quotes from books?


I have a few v14's so I played all the content there’s really no indication within the game itself quest wise I’m just going off the wiki information.

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The main difference? The First Aldmeri Dominion is an Aldmeri-Supremacy (Aldmeri, not Altmeri. The Dominion sees its self as the last bastion of the legacy of the Aldmer) group who wants to reinstate total and absolute Elven rule over Tamriel.

The Third Aldmeri Dominion (under the leadership of the Thalmor) Is basically the same, on the surface, but the Thalmor themselves have an ulterior motive. They don't care about ruling, they want it all gone. Erase the whole thing so the Ehlnofey never became Mortal in the first place.


In that regard, while the First dominion is a racial supremacy group, the Thalmor are the polar opposite. They don't care about race, or ruling, or Man vs Mer. They want everything to go back to the way it was before any of those concepts ever existed.

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