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Entertaining player homes (Raids, Attacks, robberies, kidnapping, etc)


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Ive got plenty of house mods that are absolutely amazing, but... after a while you just stop going to them; not because you dont LIKE the house, its just because you've got plenty to do outside in the wide world. Even in Hearthfire, theres only the occasional dragon or kidnapping by bandits, and even those are few and far between. And even THOSE dont occur if you use mod-added houses.

Is there some way to increase the events and stuff that occurs in your house? And is there some way (Perhaps an item or spell) to let you mark a house to allow events like that to happen to custom houses?

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Have you tried the Samds of Time Sleeping Emcounters mod? It will not liven up your neighborhood in the daytime, but it adds the possibility of ambushes while your character sleeps. It allows you to configure up to 5 "safe" beds that are free from attacks - just don't set up your home as a "safe" area, The types and frequency of potential attack are based on the type of area you are sleeping in (outdoors, inns, dungeons, ruined towers, etc. I don't think modded homes are exempt.... No more risk-free sleep!

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Ive got plenty of house mods that are absolutely amazing, but... after a while you just stop going to them; not because you dont LIKE the house, its just because you've got plenty to do outside in the wide world. Even in Hearthfire, theres only the occasional dragon or kidnapping by bandits, and even those are few and far between. And even THOSE dont occur if you use mod-added houses.


Is there some way to increase the events and stuff that occurs in your house? And is there some way (Perhaps an item or spell) to let you mark a house to allow events like that to happen to custom houses?

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With the hearthfire mod on the first house you build just outside falkreath is occasionally attacked by bandits and giant, if you stay there long enough you will come across this, it's also a great spot for hunting, and just behind your home is a table with a skeleton on it, most times you will find a necromancer doing some random stuff, hope this helps :)
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  • 4 weeks later...

What about a "special" necklace, or statue of Dibella, that bandits would try to steal?

You could adjust a slider for the frequency of the robbery attempts and difficulty, number and level of bandits etc. The special item would act as a homing beacon, and trigger things like the hired thugs.

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