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Face gone Bad


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I Install a mod & for some reason it cause graphic problem to my saved game so i delete the whole texture & meshes & mod esp. I reinstall some mod & start new game but the character is not looking good as before , they effect only on my character & not on companion though.Same problem apply on others races too.






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Not a lot to go on ...

I Install a mod
... a name would be a good starting point to give us somewhere to start troubleshooting.
I reinstall some mod
... again "some mod" doesn't give much info.
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yeah man, you couldn't be any less vague. But I'll take a shot anyhow. I'm assuming your character is shiny? Probably because the char's normal map was upgraded with "some mod" then deleted by uninstalling "some mod" and/or DELETEING your TEXTURE and MESHES FOLDERS. If you deleted the "textures" folder AND the "meshes" folder from your data directory... you probably need to reinstall oblivion and mods. If you only deleted the mod files from "some mod", look in the custom race folder like...


My Race Folder = name of the race you're having issues with. Some mods may have acronyms for the folder so just poke around a bit.


C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Textures\Characters\My Race Folder\Female


Look in that folder for the body textures called "footfemale_n.dds" and "handfemale_n.dds" or some variation depending on the mod. also...


G:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Textures\Characters\My Race Folder

In this folder there should be the facial texture. Depending on the mod they might have renamed the files but for vanilla races I believe all are named "humanhead_n.dds" or some variation of that. The "_n" denotes a normal map texture. That texture file has an alpha channel in it that tells oblivion what is shiny and what is not. It's quite possible that if you're missing the "_n" file part, it would default to absolute shine for all of the texture. AFAIK, all textures have a normal texture file, then a matching "_n" file to go with it. The files are different so don't just think you can copy the regular file and rename it by adding the "_n". That won't work.


If that's not the problem you need to spill some detailed info.

Edited by madmardigan409
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