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500 Things You Learned in Fallout 3


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247. Lawn knomes are vile, treacherous creatures, who kill the unsuspecting enclave janitor as he cleans a bathroom in the MBC


248. Carrying thousands of rounds of ammo does not slow you down.


249. In the wasteland you can always find a friendly face...either it's the one missing a few bits or Moira Brown...


250. (Halfway!) Even 200 years after the nukes fell and society ended, Alaska will be liberated from the commies by a 40 foot ass-kicking all american robot.

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251. Listening to music GNR while wandering Metros makes them less creepy


252. Everyone lost different tastes in music after the war


253. Albino enemies don't take extra damage in direct sunlight...


254. Even if you run around naked and used only the auto axe and stimpaks, you can take down the entire wasteland

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  • 3 weeks later...

i dont know what number we are on so ill start at 265(?) might go back and count and see the official number of things learned


265. Radscorpions are ninja's. you think you good roaming the dessert alone, at night? well mr/mrs Albino would like to have a talk with you

266. If this game is based on the 1950's why in the world 2000 years later slavery still exist?

267. Abe Lincoln had a good gun and hat when he was around. What? you you want 20 caps for both? ARE YOU STUPID OR CHEAP AS HELL?!

268, its not evil for you to try to recreate America to what it was before the nukes dropped. It's just the problem poisoning the water thus killing EVERYTHING thats the evil thing to do (you know who im talking about)

269. how the hell are Tribals are tougher than Raiders? you got shot in the head with a shot gun, in point blank range, with a my firearms skills maxed out WHY ARE YOU NOT DEAD?!

270. I saved you, a samurai, a cowboy, a combat medic, and a little girl from getting probed (or worse *shudder*) from aliens and you still want to charge me get my stuff repaired.....really....

271. if you got an alien spaceship why you cant you use it to get rid of pesky radscrorpions or deathclaws that get in your way?

272. "Hey Dad its good see you!!! I saved a town from getting nuked,(or not) killed many dangers of the wasteland and saved you from a sadistic SOB and I-" "That's all good son/daughter but i need you to do something for me then later when least expected it kill myself to kill a guy (THAT LIVED) somewhat making your entire journey looking for me nearly pointless. now what you was saying?"

273. again. how the hell did Autumn survive getting irradiated beyond comprehension? was it the the trench coat or what?

274. never trust a little girl in a simulated town....ever....

275. oh. also dont hit her she'll drop you quicker than deathclaw

Edited by soulknightX
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276. If you wanna tear someone/thing into pieces get a combat shotgun.

277. Using a Fat-Man is almost like Kamikaze it can be risky.

278. Want to chat with raiders? give em a shot with the mesmetron.

279. If arming the nuke in megaton you can;t enter it anymore.

280. Being between feral ghoul reaver isn't easy especially if there are 4 of them. Use ur psychos, mentants, med-x, rad-x and stimpaks and a heavy weapon like the flamer or alien blaster to survive.

281. Butch is getting on ur nerve? Do it like me wait til u get 19 years old and bust his ass.

282. Using sandman kill perk is funny.

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283. The amount of ammunition needed to kill an Overlord is exactly two clips more than what you have with you.

284. Do not drink soda that makes your urine glow.

285. Shooting a Deathclaw with an assault rifle while they are aware is far less effective than shooting them once with a low caliber pistol when they don't know you are there.

286. Despite having as many Vertibirds as you could possibly need, the Enclave still does not know how to bomb the Pentagon.

287. Despite not having a brain, emotions, or people skills, Liberty Prime has an amazing grasp of dramatic pauses and punchline timing.

288. Million-to-one chances crop up nine times out of ten.

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  • 2 weeks later...

27 - to can easy kill a death claw shot him once on the leg with a dart gun he will move very slow

28 - learn how to trade and sell and make weapons of junk so save every piece of junk you find you will need them like toy car , paint gun , steem gas , presser cooker , tin can , lunch box ........ ext

29 - buy the electron charge pack ammo when you find it and keep saving them till you find the Gatling laser cos it will run out of ammo quickly

30 - dont sell any nuka cola quantum you will need them in a side quest and fot making the nuka cola grenade

31 - set mines to the super mutants they will be easy to kill their moves are predictable

32 - and its important make a coppy of fallout3 save file you will find it in document >>> games >>> fallout3 in case of your system down coz it happend once with me and i started the game over again

33 - if the world really gone like fallout i don't think any of us will be brave to fight any monster or cannibals or a rad roach

34- i don't need to look into a mirror when i get out my house and that's important for a girl




and there is more but that what came up to my mind right now ..... i played this game two times it along history with fallout 3

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  • 3 weeks later...

289-With mods,you can make anything as creepy as you want!

290-BIttercup and Moria are kinda hawt but Amata trumps em :thumbsup:

291-Deathclaw=death. See it,run away.

292-Deathclaws have fears. Its white,it the size of a Corvega,and has 8 legs. Figure it out yet? O wait,your dead.Nevermind...

293-Cars do not make for good cover.At least,the ones with their tires dont.

294-Moira may be an optimist,but I think she expects you to be either insane,or slightly masochist to work for her.

295-Liberty Prime>Any and all super heros. Including Batman,Superman,and Spiderman. Even Wonderwoman and the power of her body can not trump how badass Prime is.

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