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500 Things You Learned in Fallout 3


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after doing a little counting we are at number 321 in this list and still going so lets reach 500 people i'll restart the list at 321


321. friend say mods make the F3 easier boy is he thinking with the glass half-empty

322. try to kill a guy in VATS, get surprise buttsecks by an albino

323. Albino Radscorpions are so creepy they may make you automatically quit when seeing one

324. why did Desmond tell you his house was coming apart after you fell 2-3 stories down his manison?

325. Oh I know why he's a badass D-bag he don't have to tell you a thing

326. The Terrible Shotgun with the right perks and skills > a nuke

327. (got this from those F3 Memes) Shoot Expiremental Mirv in the Air, Play Dogeball

328. .......then loose

329. Bloatflies are so weak, its best to say killing them with anything above a BB Gun (which is practally EVERYTHING!) is Overkill

330. for a bunch of inbread mutated radiated hicks they must not know that cars can you know.....explode....


keep going

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331.Gary? Garrrryyyyyyy...

332.Whats that manhole cover doing in the middle of the door way?*BLAM*

333. Behemoths are bigger than you.

334. Save a vault,cant go back.

335.Mines+Explosives Expert+More Spawns+Springvale School=lulz

336. Awww theres a teddybear in a cage. Just take it.I dare you.

337.You shouldnt pleasure yourself with that powerfist...Just sayin'

338.Wipe out Enclave,BoS,and the Outcasts.See an albino scorpion? Run.

339.There is no problem that the liberal use of chems and explosives cant fix.

340.Low level exploring with Dogmeat isnt always smart...

341.Can it be powered by nuclear science? Anything and everything.Make it so.

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342. when you think you have killed all the deathclaws in old olney, there is always one more lurkin around the corner

343. super mutants cant swim

344. even raiders cant stand the sound of president edens voice

345. even when three dog sleeps, hes always on air

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350. No matter how handsome you make your character, your father will always look like an alien.

351. Super Mutant Behemoths will only show up at dramatically perfect times.

352. All male ghouls are more than likely voiced by the same gravely-voiced man. (Charlie Sheen?)

353. Some weapons are ridiculously underpowered, while others are absurdly overpowered.

354. Human psychology can work to your advantage when talking TO A COMPUTER, let alone President Eden (spoiler?)

355. Three-Dog is Samuel L. Jackson's persona (I AM TIRED OF THESE MOTHERf*#@IN SUPER MUTANTS IN THESE MOTHERf*#@IN RUINS!!!!)

356. Three-Dog can predict the future with pinpoint accuracy if you've got the right glitch.

Edited by JackFranchi
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358. Shoot a raider, get scared, run away, 5 min later they try to kill you

359. Behemoth can beat a Feral Ghoul Rever

360. For a Flamethrower the Heavy Incinerator is very accurate

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361.Energy Weapons are rare.Treasure them.Baby them. Unlike New Vegas were every raider and his mother has an energy weapon.

362.Drugs are bad. Visiting a certain vault with a plethora of drugs can lead to scary trips.

363.Big brother watches you with Eye Bots.

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