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ultimated 3rd person camera isnt working


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hi everyone.


i havent played OB in 3 years or so, if not more, and i just installed it again and this time i wanna give some mods a shot.


i updated to 1.2.0416 (it gave me an error after installation but i still have this version number in my main menu) and i installed OBMM as well.

i DLed the 3rd person camera mod and i placed the mod in a MOD folder and then i went into the mod's folder where i found the "Ultimate 3rd Person Camera - RightSide and Close - Default 1.51.omod" file.

i double clicked it, checked its loaded in OBMM and ran the game.


now instead of having a camera next to my character instead of 1st person view i get a view without any character at all on screen AND i cant seem to interact with the world.


this is the only mod i have for now but maybe im missing something in how i should load mods into the game..... :\

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I'm not familiar with that particular mod, but one of the advantages of using OBMM to install mods is the ease of deactivating or making changes. I imagine when you say you activated "Ultimate 3rd Person Camera - RightSide and Close - Default 1.51.omod" that there was other camera angle options available. Have you tried deactivating your present selection and then activating one of the others? The name of the option you have selected right now would lead me to believe your camera will be close to you on your right side. Not sure if the vanilla Oblivion camera controls would work while using this mod. Read the mod description on the mod download page, any readme file included and look through the Comments section on the mod download page for similar problems. Perhaps your solution has already been outlined there.
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The mod actually turns 1st person into 3rd person not modifying the 3rd person view.


Also the mod has a lot work that needs to be done to it in my opinion, some can get it to work and some can't.. I know i couldn't. It conflicts with other animation/body mods since it uses it's own skeleton.

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Do you have Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) installed and working? It's listed as a mod requirement (the link I provided is for the latest stable version, there is a v0020b5 version but it's beta and may not be your best bet at this stage ... v0019b exceeds the mod's requirement).
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