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Better combat mods. any recommendations?


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Only if you already have your system set up for that look with a BBB enabled skeleton and BBB enabled armor and clothing. None of my bandits or marauders, for instance, have any BBB effects showing in their combat animations. Why ... because none of them have any BBB enabled armor to wear. I'm very selective what BBB enabled armor replacers I use for just that reason. The instructions on the NoMaaM download page specify that you need a BBB enabled skeleton and BBB enabled armor/clothing, but that is only relevant if you want to see the BBB effect. Otherwise vanilla armored or clothed NPCs will use the new combat animations without any BBB effect.
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I didn't say anything about frequency of staggers. I said that NoMaaM replaced the vanilla staggers with new ones along with replacements for a number of other vanilla combat animations.


Edit: See my post below.

Edited by Striker879
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I have just received this PM from fore, explaining my errors:

Striker, please, you are mistaken. NoMaaM is nothing but breast movement added to the original animation, as whalecakes says.

He also added his reasons for not clearing it up on this thread (was very considerate of my 'tender sensibilities' ... my terminology not fore's). Thank you fore, and I do appreciate your concern. I'm also only interested in finding the right answer to questions. Who is right has no sway in my world ... just the truth. Disregard anything I've said about the animations outside the fact that non-BBBed armor and clothes don't bounce without the rest of the requirements.

Edited by Striker879
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I made a mod called Doc Block Recoil Stagger which may interest you. Every time somebody gets hit, it crunches numbers to see if somebody should stagger or recoil as a result.



EDIT: Also, the other power attacks (hold attack + direction key) have a chance to do extra effects if you level up your weapon skill. For example, if you're using a sword, the sideways power attack has a chance to disarm your enemy if your blade skill is 50 or higher.

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I have just received this PM from fore, explaining my errors:

Striker, please, you are mistaken. NoMaaM is nothing but breast movement added to the original animation, as whalecakes says.


@topeira & whalecakes: Even at risk of boring I feel I have to say something to save Striker's honor.


Although I said that NoMaaM only contains BBB adaptation of standard animations, Striker had good reason to believe that new animations were added. Blender/Nifscripts can't handle curves ("splines"). They do a bad work-around, doubling the angles of all affected bones. Therefore some hand2hand animations, especially stagger, look different, more aggressive. At the time I made h2h I didn't know how to better handle this problem (now I do). And I have never heard from someone who had noticed - apparently Striker has.


Hope that clears up the confusion that NoMaaM has caused

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thanks for pointing me in the right direction guys.


about the BBB - it seems like a mod mainly for female animation and stuff. first - my character is a male. second - does it change the combat animations? youtube doesnt seem to think so :P


also, i dont think i understand how to install animation mods.


DOCUMN - thanks! we seem pretty like minded, mate. i think your mod has some nice ideas in it and i want to try it. how do i use OBSE to make the mod work? and how do i disable it?

also, i started a new game. will i "feel" the mod's effect even if my character is so low skilled and low level?

also , is it possible to edit your mod so a timed block will ALWAYS cause the enemy to stagger? i'd like to have a nice well timed block to always reward me.


p.s. - how accurate do u have to be with timing the blocks?

Edited by topeira
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To install OBSE you just gotta follow the directions included in OBSE's readme. You just have to copy some files into your Oblivion folder, and then run the game through obse-loader.exe instead of your regular oblivion shortcut. Installation is different depending on whether you have a Steam version of the game or not.


If you start a new game, you should feel the mod's effect. Yes, it is possible to edit almost all the calculation parameters (including block timing and timed block bonus) in my mod by editing the ini file that I included with the mod.

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topeira you are correct that BBB is focused on female characters. I also play a male character. The BBB system (skeleton, body, armor/clothes & animation) also works on the game's female NPCs when using the appropriate mods. My guy doesn't live in a world of all females BBBed (somehow a BBBed Simplicia the Slow just doesn't appeal). By careful selecting which of the game's stock clothing I'll replace with BBBed clothing my guy gets a little variety in his world (I also use the same technique to give the girls different 'dress sizes'). BBB doesn't change the game's combat animations at all. Some of the stock animations will show bounce on your BBBed NPCs (e.g. the normal walk), but combat will only show bouncing if you install animations that enable it (e.g. the NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer) and armor and\or clothing that is also BBB enabled. If that BBBed armor/clothing doesn't replace the stock armor/clothing from the game you will need to give it to the NPCs you want to have it (most easily done with companions added by mods but also possible through other means for the game's NPCs). Naturally, if the armor/clothing replaces the stock stuff it will appear on any who would normally wear the non-BBBed version, either through their inventory (named NPCs) or the leveled lists (bandits, marauders etc).


Installing animation mods (or any mods for that matter) is an individual case situation that is dependent on how the mod author has packaged the mod. Some will come available as an OMOD, which is a compressed format that is also organized in such a way that the Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) utility can handle getting everything into the correct locations in your Oblivion install. Others (such as NoMaaM) require you to manually install using copy and paste from a Windows Explorer window. If you're interested I have a 'Strikers Rather Lengthy Manual Install Procedure' that I could PM you. There is also this topic pinned in this Oblivion Mod Talk section. One other consideration before you get started installing mods is where you have Oblivion installed. If you are running Windows XP it doesn't matter, any location is fine. If you are running Windows 7 or Vista you will run into problems if your game is installed in the default C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) directories. The Microsoft security feature called UAC will interfere with mods trying to run, but only if Oblivion is in a subdirectory of Program Files. One of the moderators here bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide to help get a relocation done correctly and thoroughly.

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thanks a lot for your support, guys. very much appreciated the welcome.



striker879 - thanks for your offer. thankfuly my game is installed into d:\games\Oblivion. not program files. phew.

i'll take a look in the topic u pinned if i run into troubles. right now im not sure of documn's mod doesnt work or it does but my character is not skilled enough.


DOCUMN - i PMed you some questions regarding your mod. i'd love it if u could take a look.

if the message didnt get to you than please, try and answer it here.

what i'd like to set the INI file to produce is these results -


1) if attacker does normal attack on enemy than enemy will stagger for, say , 0.4 seconds.


2) if attacker does power attack on enemy than enemy will stagger 0.8 seconds.


3) if attacker attacks enemy but enemy blocks than enemy will stagger 0.2 only.


4) if attacker POWER attacks enemy but enemy blocks than enemy will stagger 0.8. just as if enemy didnt block.


5) if enemy time blocks than attacker will stagger (recoil) for 0.8 seconds. this is how the enemy should handle power attacks since blocks will prevent damage but not stagger.


and as u could guess i'd love these events to happen 100% of the time regardless of the attacker andd enemy's skills. i want to know exactly what's going to happen in combat and not have a ddifferent result every time depending on stats.


are these ideas even possible with your mod? or is your mod so dependent on calculations that its impossible to set it to happen like this?

sorry for asking but i cant seem to understand what's the calculations all about because im so new to oblivion and it's skills mechanics.

Edited by topeira
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