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I have setup a custom crafting interface for my mod, A vending machine but it dosent work

I have as the resource for everything a chip just custom made item and out put 10mm I copy the normal rescipes and just changed a few things


I have tryed everything is there something I am mising ?

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I'm not sure what you mean..


A custom crafting interface, okay. Is this custom crafting interface suppose to run when the player activates a vending machine?

What resources, whats the custom item chip? and 10mm gun?

So.. the player has to put in a custom item chip into the vending machine and in return gets a 10mm gun?


What do you mean copy the normal recipes? Do you want the vending machine to work as a crafting bench or as your own custom crafting interface?


You said that it doesn't work, you're going to have to be much more descriptive as there are probably about 150 different possible problems that could occur with any editing.


What doesn't work? Does the vending machine appear in game? Does it activate? Does the game CTD right away? Does it not accept the custom chip? does it not give you what you want?


You'll get better results if you know if it's a scripting problem, or something else.

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Ok my bad I had an Idea that I could use the crafting system in place for a nanite vending machine, I copyed the 10mm ammo rescipie I went into the rescipie change the requirements to a custom item I then copyed one of the menus, opened up the menu changed the id then click yes to the dialogue, went back into the rescipie changed its menu from reloadingbench to my vending machine menu

next i extracted the vending machine container and reimported as a activator, i went into the work bench script selected all the script, copy opened a new script up, paste and renamed the file also changing the menu to mine then went back to my vending machine and selected the script, I placed some of the chip items on the ground and decided to test -- went to the machine picked up the chips and activated the machine the crafting menu come the ammo was highlighted I clicked on it but nothing happend

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