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Copy paste animations for powers (Need Help)


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To add the ritul cast animation, the spell must equip to both hand slots and have they keyword RitualMagic (or similar, I don't remember exactly. It is the same keyword on all ritual magic effects). To determine if the game should play the ritual animation, it checks the spells in your hands for those keywords.
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To add the ritul cast animation, the spell must equip to both hand slots and have they keyword RitualMagic (or similar, I don't remember exactly. It is the same keyword on all ritual magic effects). To determine if the game should play the ritual animation, it checks the spells in your hands for those keywords.

ah, well it's this mod is a power not a spell. So how do I change it to spell and make it both hands with the keyword ? I'm assuming I need the Creation Kit ? I do have it, but I'm unsure as to how I can do that exactly.

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I don't know if you have to change it to a spell, but you do have to change the equip type to both hands and probably the casting time too. Just open the spell in the Object Window in the creation kit to change the equip type. To add the keyword and change the casting time, open the magic effect and all will become clear. (Spells are made up of collections of magic effects.) F you do not change the casting time, as long as it is greater than 0 the animationw will execute very very fast.
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