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Be the leader of Vegas upon House's death


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I recently killed Mr House after working with him for a long time and not getting any caps from it and since his securitrons don't seem to be hostile towards me i told myself, why not me?


I already have some ideas for the mod:

-A little quest that starts when Mr House is dead: it leads you to a hidden bunker where you access a computer and set yourself as the "new Mr House"

-Replacing Mr House's screens (he won't be needing these very much anymore :dance: ) with a fancy office for you

-Little quests like bringing more cool stuff to vegas, recruiting mercs to kill fiends that approach too close, siding with a faction etc etc...

-Being able to set entry taxes thus gaining caps but needing to pay for more guards, more stuf etc

-Recruiting and setting taxes via a terminal so no voice acting needed


(+) No voice acting needed

Makes killing House useful

Adds time of gameplay to end-game player



(-) Much work (i belive, i'm no modder)



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