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Minigun SMG


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Considering what I'm seeing there, like for example a NiTriStrips data directly under a NiNode, and two of them under the same node at that... I'm surprised the game didn't crash. That .nif file in your photo is more corrupt than an NCR senator. I guess we have to thank NVAC for the game no long slapping users with a rolled up newspaper when they do something like that...


That or you're still seeing the normal Power Fist 1stPerson record, if you didn't change that in the GECK. Try clearing that drop down and see what happens. Probably some kind of error, judging by how malformed that .nif is.


Edit: not trying to put you down, since I made bigger mistakes myself in the past, but computers are kind of like old gods: lots of rules and no mercy. The tree structure of a .nif MUST be EXACTLY right, or the game can't do anything with it. You must make sure that node structure still is right. Is all I'm saying. Personally in that situation I'd start anew.

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Not sure how helpful it will be but check out the Monster Mod I remembered seeing something similar to what you are trying to do and looked at it and found this in it's images. If it's for personal use and it's what you want it's a simple matter of taking the model from the monster mod and adding it to a new esp for yourself. If it's for future release you can examine what he/they did in the nif and esp for the weapon settings (reload, grip etc) or request permission to use it.



Good Luck,


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