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My New PC

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Ahh I didn't know UAC was what caused that. I'm old, still on XP :P Have to get 7 eventually, don't want to, but I guess I have to for new games huh?


Not saying he should turn it off, it's just my boyfriend's preference. I know it protects from malware and the like, but he's never gotten a virus or other malicious items so he keeps it off.


7 is nice though...I like the layout and it seems to prevent fragmentation a lot better than XP.

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Well, I got my PC yesterday. After the initial "WOW" thing I do when I get new stuff, I connected one of my old HDDs wich has my old Oblivion setup installed on it(from 2009 OMG) and I gave it a quick go. It performed better than I expected and I can't wait to start a new setup with all the mods I haven't got the chance to play back then and QTP3 is the one I realy want to test. Anyway, I'll post some pictures once I'm done with the reading. I have to teach myself once again how to use Wrye Bash, OBSE and BOSS just to mention a few.




Cheers and beers,


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windows seven is fine with defalt install directory.. even with oblivion(even running from iso(yes i have a liget copy... just my disk is to far gorn to install/play off) )

you dont even have to "run program as administrator" with most games(basicly all games... i havent found any yet that need to be except "CNC:contra(overlay)")

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Just a thought here:


If you upgraded your processor from the i5 to the i7 quad, you'd see smoother performance if in combat with more than four or five NPCs.


You'd just be looking at the cost of the processor plus some thermal paste, if you're ever interested.


The "Radial" AI in Oblivion can be brutal on CPUs.


Also, not listed. Are you running Win7 64 or 32?

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