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Is there a Camera / 3rd person view mod?


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I've searched and browsed for all mods containing the word "cam" "movie" "view" and "3rd", none of which gave the simple mod I'm looking for:


Simply a mod that locks the "vanity cam" so that you can fight while looking at your character from different angles? I don't understand why you need to A: hold the view button B: can't attack while holding it?


Sounds like something you oughta be able to change with a simple "0" -> "1" somewhere. :P


Any hints?

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hold down "r" button while fighting for me i use a 360 PC controler with oblivon using a gameer profile program to use smooth controls for game play. the controller was about $60 and the profile program was about $25. After configuration, I set up PC oblivon controls almost identical to 360 controls. with this i can fight and hold down the "r" button (on the control the right bumper) or tap the "r" button (right bumper) and it stays in 3rd person.
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