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Best Modders


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I think that modders who make high-quality mods and then don't release them are cowards. So I would have to say that they are not good modders, but they could chose to become good modders. It is up to them.


I would just like to say that some modders use resources that are copyrighted and they can't legally distribute their work. Some of the amazing dragon mods I've seen (with full blown animation, effects, and such) are like that.


I had some stuff like that at first and was why I didn't release until I decided I wanted to start working on Vanilla Drops.

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KEa - can't play Oblivion without his Magic And Skill externder, which has no analogues in the mod library.


Oscuro - can't play without OOO as well


Visman - for his amazing Secrets of Mertvitel, IMO, best necromantic-themed mod


Phitt - for many great mods

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I can't believe nobody's mentioned Arthmoor yet... granted, the original post did mention "the UL and BC Team" -- but I think he deserves special kudos for his own mods. Faregyl Village is amazing and keeps getting better with every release, and so do the other villages he's made -- Feldscar, Vergayun, Molapi, Frostcrag. Then we have RAEVWD without which my game wouldn't be worth playing. And thanks to Arthmoor I'm finally able to enjoy the famous Verona House, after the work he put into tracking down and stomping out quite a few bugs that were making it nearly unplayable. Not to mention his work on the UOP Supplementals and his revision of New Roads & Bridges, another of my personal Top 10 mods. I could go on...
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I say myself! Yeah... wait, no? Oh come on, Stealth Wars was really hard to put together! :wallbash:


In all seriousness, I would say Jojjo. He's one of the best equipment modelers I've ever seen.


Also, Corepc, and the rest of the MMM group.


I'm also starting to really like Waalx's stuff as well, so put Waalx in there too.

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Qarl's underground mod and his later Ob stuff, skeleton K's, r18pn and pretty much all the people who create their own content, write great quests or knock something together which looks great. As for the ones that don't, i.e rippers and Daz porters, it's simply a case of tweaking a few verts here and there and a copy rig, chimps can do that :] If it looks good in game then that was all down to the person who's work they've knocked off ;)
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