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respawn question


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Hi I am looking for a way to respawn the creatures in a dungeon if they have already been killed. Can anyone tell me how to do it or perhaps show an exampel of a script or pointing to a vanilla script that do just that? I have looked long and hard but I can´t find the correct vanilla script for it.

I did use

setZoneRespawns xxx 1 

in an area trigger but geck won´t let me save it. I Have doubble checked spelling and checked the trigger in cipscis script validator.


any ideas?




edit: the complete script looks like this everything works but when I add the setZoneRespawns command it is inpossible to save it.


       short addOnce  
Begin OnTriggerEnter Player  
       If GetQuestRunning HMQ4 == 1 && addOnce == 0  
               DukeREF.addItem HMWeaponScoutRifle 1   
               DukeREF.addItem lootAmmo308 1  
               DukeREF.addItem ArmorCombat 1   
               DukeREF.addItem HatNCR1stReconBeret 1  
               DukeREF.removeItem ArmorMetal 1   
               DukeREF.removeItem ArmorMetalHelmet 1   
               DukeREF.removeItem lootAmmo556mm 1  
               DukeREF.removeItem WeapNVServiceRifle 1   
       setZoneRespawns 1ENeonSignFactory 1  
       set addOnce to 1  

Edited by viking99
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a. download and use "geck powerup" to see syntax errors in your scripts.

b. setzonerespawns takes an encounter zone name, not a cell name.


A Thanks that´s good advice.

B Looking in the geck in the object window I only see a few encounter zones so where are the rest?

Edited by viking99
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I have managed to solve most of the problems. But there is a few remaining problems?


I would prefer to respawn the area on a trigger outside the building the make sure the player have to fight to complete the mission. The standard respawn time is 73 hours so that will not be quick enough. Is there a way to change the respawn time for an encounter area?


One of the NPC is a uniqueRef and he won´t respawn is there a script to resurect him or should I use a script to place and activate him once again?



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I solved the problem by creating another ref and disabling the first one. I attached the script to a book.

the script:

begin OnAdd player  
       DukeREF.disable 1  
       HMDukeREF.enable 1  
       setZoneRespawns HMNeonSigns 1  
       player.RemoveItem HMRespawnQ4 1  
       HMDukeREF.addItem HMWeaponScoutRifle 1   
       HMDukeREF.addItem lootAmmo308 1  
       HMDukeREF.addItem ArmorCombat 1   
       HMDukeREF.addItem HatNCR1stReconBeret 1  
       HMDukeREF.removeItem ArmorMetal 1   
       HMDukeREF.removeItem ArmorMetalHelmet 1   
       HMDukeREF.removeItem lootAmmo556mm 1  
       HMDukeREF.removeItem WeapNVServiceRifle 1   

works perfectly.

Edited by viking99
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