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Simple request - mirroring model.


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Hi guys

Since it seems that there's no option for flipping horizontally a mesh in nifskope, the only 3d software I could hope to interact with, I was wondering if some of you 3d models experts could help me here. Should be really simple, as I mentioned before I'd just like to have these models (a scarf) flipped horizontally. While I have no idea how should I do this, it's probably super easy for some people here.


Here are the models http://tinyurl.com/q37vg9l



Thanks for your time, any help is really appreciated.

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When you go to export the nif, when it asks you where you want to save it, on the left side, there is a place to choose what game you are exporting for. Choose Skyrim. I'm honestly still getting used to this version of Blender, myself, so there may be more to it than I am aware of.
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