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How do I use idle animations on npcs while sitting?


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I'm trying to make acouple npcs type on computers in a lab setting. The "while-standing" idle animation markers are easy enough to figure out, but how do I make an npc respond to an idle anim marker when they are sitting in a chair?

I cant find an anim-object for typing and when I put an anim marker under the chair, they dont do anything. They sit in the chair and get that far but nothing ever happens after that.

Is there anyone here who knows how to make npcs do animations when they are sitting?

Edited by 1mjolnir1
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In the idle manager, it's under Furniture idles - Sitting - ChairSitting - SittingChairIdles- NPCSittingChairIdles - SitUseTerminal.

There is a condition on the idle that the NPC must be sitting in a chair that is in the form list 'ComputerChairs'.

If the NPC is in a sandbox package, for example, and this type of chair is available, they will run the idle when sitting in it.

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Alright I found the file in the idle manager. But what do I do after that? I may be a newbie but there is no where to go once you find the idle animation, what am I supposed to do? How do i attach that animation to an npc?

I'm only really familiar with idle markers and I'm trying to learn how to specify animations more.

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If the conditions for an idle are met, the npc will usually just play it.

If you take a look at the chair your NPC is sitting in, check to see if it is in the ComputerChairs formlist. If it is not, you can add it.

But in a script, you use


ActorREF.PlayIdle SitUseTerminal

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