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Native Languages: Imperials/Itialian , Nords/German , etc


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Hey guys,

First mod.

Plan is to create a voice mod, the simplest way I can think of: with existing data.

My mission is to create a mod that changes certain races' voice files to their most relatable 'Earth' language.

Imperials: Italian
Nords: German
Orcs: ?Russian?
High Elves: English
Dunmer: English
Wood Elves: ?
Argonians: ?
Khajiit: ?Japanese?
Bretons: ?

If anyone can help me, please let me know.



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My understanding is that there is a wav file in every language for each spoken dialogue of NPCs in the game. There has to be, or each dialogue would be part of an ongoing recording, which is impossible, without horrendous consequences. So my understanding is, get the .wav files, swap each English Imperial .wav files with their corresponding Italian .wav files. And so on.

All agreed?

My main concern is how I can locate these files so that I can go through each Steam language change and extract .wav files as I please, to replace English .wav files of selected races. (Ita/Imp , Ger/Nord)

Not to discourage but...why?

This is an Immersion Project. The Imperials are a foreign occupying race of Skyrim, who best align with the Italians [and then] Greek etc.
All other language changes are for Immersive distinction.

Edited by COLDNz1991
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Imperials arnt Italian, the language they speak is cyrodillic which is Tamriel's common language and Nords aint Germen, the closest the nords have to another language is dovahsul or whatever it is called, which is the language of the dragons.

Edited by tx12001
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I can understand wanting a mod that adds dialects to the various races, whatever those dialects would so be. However making everyone speak different languages will, well in concept it may sound like it makes sense, after all they are culturally different from each other, why wouldn't the language be different as well? But in practice it will come off as odd, and it wont be very lore friendly either. As TX pointed out the Imperials language has become the common tongue shared between all races, it can be noted that races did not share one language back in the day, I've even heard that the Argonians have their own language they speak back in Black Marsh, but in the fourth era, after hundreds of years under Septim rule, the people share one language.

Another thing that should be pointed out, if you have two characters talking to each other, one being Imperial the other being Nord, and the Nord starts speaking German to the Imperial, the Imperial then replies in Italian, would that come off as normal to you? To me it will look like two helpless individuals trying desperately to communicate with each other, or something as silly as Star Wars where everyone somehow understands the bug-faced alien and he understands English, but speaks his native bug language, and everyone understood the odd noise he made just as well as if he would've been talking English. It is kind of silly? :tongue:


Edit; Maybe a cool idea to help people learn new languages? :)

Edited by Galandil
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I really dont know much at all about dialogues but Ill try to answer some questions.


The voice files are packed into the bsa files Voices and VoicesExtra. The actual sound files are .fuz files. iirc theres are program called unfuzer that works well for converting them to .wav files. I really had no idea Skyrim was fully localized but I dont recall ever seeing a voices file for every language in the bsa. Skyrim probably has different distributions for each local available through steam. You can try right clicking the game in your steam library, go to properties and change the language, and then revalidate the game to download the new bsa files. You would have to revalidate for every language and backup the files every time. If thats even how it works. Then.. idk go and replace/repack the english bsa with the new voice files you choose from each other distribution.

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I really dont know much at all about dialogues but Ill try to answer some questions.


The voice files are packed into the bsa files Voices and VoicesExtra. The actual sound files are .fuz files. iirc theres are program called unfuzer that works well for converting them to .wav files. I really had no idea Skyrim was fully localized but I dont recall ever seeing a voices file for every language in the bsa. Skyrim probably has different distributions for each local available through steam. You can try right clicking the game in your steam library, go to properties and change the language, and then revalidate the game to download the new bsa files. You would have to revalidate for every language and backup the files every time. If thats even how it works. Then.. idk go and replace/repack the english bsa with the new voice files you choose from each other distribution.

This is the exact procedure I had in mind. Now, can you please advise me on this procedure, step by step like you have, but add steps regarding function of your said applications (defuzer) and whatever else will be applicable. I am happy to share correspondence of progress with you, and also mention you in any credits.

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I have no idea about voice files and Im not doing step by step or I might as well do it myself. If you have a specific question about a process someone might be able to help. If your serious about this then start small. Try picking a single actor in the game and try changing their language to the one you had in mind. I dont even know if every dialogue is in fact recorded in every language.

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