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Reupload of the [Intelligence] dialogue changing mod?


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there was a mod for Fallout 3 that replaced some of the rather dimwitted 'Intelligence' skill check dialogues with something less embarassing.
However, the mod in question seems to be gone and only the russian translated version is available (http://www.nexusmods...ut3/mods/1284/?)

My question is, does anyone still have the original mod in English? Been looking for it for years now. http://static.zenimax.com/forums.bethsoft.com/public/style_emoticons/default/frown.gif

Thanks in advance!

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Damn! Well, I couldn't really find much even with those keywords. :/


I took it upon myself to retranslate the russian version at least. At least for my own use.


In the meantime I hope that at least somebody happens to have the mod in their vast, backup archive. :D

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