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Holiday hate


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Is it stupid to hate a holiday because you feel it's tarnished by a bad memory? I'm not really sure.


Personally I despise Victoria Day Weekend because, once upon a time, that's when a certain someone that I love was killed. So therefore it will always hold a certain darkness, a feeling of melancholy for me.


I hope I'm not the only one who feels this way...

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I think many people experience this, especially where it concerns the loss of a loved one. The holiday in question will always remind them of that person and the loss.


I don't think it's abnormal and certainly not stupid.


I think you're human.

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This reminds me of similar story. I guy I know lost his father on his birthday. I often wondered ever since how does he feel in that day? Most people love birthdays, they party etc., but I can't imagine how it's like. He's not a close friend so I haven't actualy been around durring his birthdays so I can't tell how he's like.
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Perfectly normal mate, nothing amiss with hating holidays because of something that's happened.


I absolutely hate christmas because of an equally absolute disaster that happened around christmas time a few years ago.


Virtualy everyone's had something like that happen, or knows someone who has, and there's nothing wrong with hating a holiday simply for hate's sake either. For example the Ba-Humbug club of britain, the offical "christmas haters" they spend the entireity of christmas day in the pub, dont give out presents, and refuse to say merry christmas, as a protest to how it's become all about the presents.


The only holdiays that are above hate are Oktoberfest and Goodwood, what's not to love? Oktoberfest is a celeberation of booze, laziness, sloth, cute germanic women, booze, booze, sloth, booze, booze, booze, and a bit more booze.


Goodwood, a british festival also known as The Festival Of Speed is simply a gathering for anyone's whos into vehicles, car, bike, fast, slow, old new, it's at goodwood and chances are so's the guy who rode/drove it into history. A historical celeberation of motor vehicles as an artform, irreproachable. And besides, who wouldnt kill for Sterling Moss' autograph?

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For starters, I apologize for anything I say that might come across as offensive.

I can see why you are upset, you lost a loved one. However, I don't think you should be so upset on the anniversary of their death, be it a holiday or not. I lost my grandfather on new years eve, it was difficult but I never let it get to me every year. Death is a part of life, and one must accept it sooner or later. Would your loved one want you grieving your life away every Victoria Day weekend over their passing? Or would they encourage you to remember them in life and enjoy your time on this Earth while you still have it? I'm not saying you shouldn't feel sorrow in their passing, but that you should not blame fate for taking them. My dad still won't cope with his father's death and for an entire week around new years will drink and be a depressed wreck. I hate to see him like that, he brings everyone down and makes the holiday miserable. I wouldn't want people to mark my passing like that. But that's just my opinion, everyone has their own ways of dealing with loss.

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