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SKSE wouldn't have any effect on this mod one way or the other unless extensive scripting is used.. What he needs is an animator to make the jousting animations (there's no way around this), then a modeler to make a lance. Then he will have to set this up as a scene where the two actors are lined up then they charge at one another. The most applicable way for this to work would be to have the player tap the attack button repeatedly to increase attack success. Otherwise this would overwrite so many vanilla combat functions as to make it practically useless...and frankly it's beyond my skill level with the CK and pretty much everyone else's as well, besides a select few.


Now as far as making the tournaments with melees, shooting, dancing, and etc that could be easily done. Finding someone to do it will be much harder though.

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well, as a newb modder with lots of free time I found my 1st tut on animation so I guess my quest starts today


I say im a newb because I never modded skyrim before but I have done some stuff on other games nothing fancy


mosty maps moldels and retextures,started to learn about bones and skinning and rigging but got got depressed and gave up due to "real life"


so now I have no life and im feeling reborn ...so what da hell might as well use some that crap I been storing in my head

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even bethesda with their experienced dev team could not make mounted combat that is worth a damn. now you want modders to make mounted combat with a lance that is able to make other actors fall from their horses.


Ain't happening.


If you limited it to a sword fighting tournament, it would be possible, though extensive.

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I like the idea of the Medieval style jousting tourney, but I agree that the vanilla game's handling of mounted combat is quite poor and lance combat isn't handled at all. I am not a modder, but it would probably be a lot of work to get the whole package you seek. On the other hand, if the tourney was foot combat, that should be do-able. The excellent Helgen Reborn mod includes a quest where your character must enter a combat tournament, and it is a blast! I have seem other mods here on Nexus that are gladiator style arenas - perhaps one of those would work for you?

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What would also be interesting is having a dishonorable looking guy standing near these places.He could tell you to assassinate a person in the Tournament.Maybe its just a Knight and you can kill him in the Arena,or maybe its a Sponsor that you have to get sponsored by,and then have to win the tournament so that he gives you your Reward,where you can easily kill him.

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even bethesda with their experienced dev team could not make mounted combat that is worth a damn. now you want modders to make mounted combat with a lance that is able to make other actors fall from their horses.


Ain't happening.


If you limited it to a sword fighting tournament, it would be possible, though extensive.

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