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Fallout and Fallout 2 Best/Worst Moments

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Fallout 1:


Best: Finishing the game with Ian, Tycho, Katja and Dogmeat, and everyone, Dogmeat included, survived. Man I went through a lot of stims on that poor dog when we were inside Mariposa though.


2nd Best: Playing chess against the mainframe at The Glow.


Worst: Random encounter on my way to Mariposa when Ian, Tycho, Katja and Dogmeat were all killed in one burst by a supermutant and his lucky minigun. IIRC that was right before my next reload :D


Fallout 2:


Best: Shooting Myron in the head. Seriously.


Worst: Return to Arroyo and finding everyone gone.

Edited by drakeelvin
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Fallout 1:


Best: When I wiped out the Khans on my first try.


Worst: When Ian died at every random encounter I got, even after reload.

2nd Worst: Ian continually shooting me in the back every fight.


Fallout 2:


Best: Sgt at Navarro, 'nuff said.

2nd Best: Com officer in the plant at Gecko.


Worst: Gorris killing me on a critical miss in close combat against a ghoul.

2nd Worst: Repeatedly dying in SF for no apparent reason due to a glitch, no matter what I did.

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Fo1 Worst : entering the glow ... Was awfully often reloading this part

Fo1 Best : Getting Power armors...


Worst Fo2 ... that Bug that kept my game crashing allways in the same moment.

Best Fo2 : After revisiting Vault city returning to Klamath ,Den, Modoc, Vault city, Gecko and Redding and robb all people with high pickpockets skills because after the Gecko quests where finished my pickpocket skill was high enough to do this ...

I made a fortune by robbing everyone and having weapons and money and StimmPaks that made a difference in the most difficult New Reno quest ( S.A.D.Robots)

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Seriously....Is hard to be me say that...but I can´t definitely remember good or bad moments from fallout 1.....I was just a child.....past 12 years when I´d try to run the game the CD was totally scratched. :facepalm: : Only can do now is watch videos on youtube to pass time for those games I can´t play anymore .(broken / lost) Edited by Lilchewchew
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  On 7/20/2011 at 6:33 AM, Lilchewchew said:

Seriously....Is hard to be me say that...but I can´t definitely remember good or bad moments from fallout 1.....I was just a child.....past 12 years when I´d try to run the game the CD was totally scratched. :facepalm: : Only can do now is watch videos on youtube to pass time for those games I can´t play anymore .(broken / lost)


You can always buy Fallout 1 from Good Old Games. :thumbsup:

If you don't trust online services, it's still being sold on CD, often bundled with Fallout 2 and Tactics.

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  On 7/20/2011 at 6:18 PM, GenocideLolita said:
  On 7/20/2011 at 6:33 AM, Lilchewchew said:

Seriously....Is hard to be me say that...but I can´t definitely remember good or bad moments from fallout 1.....I was just a child.....past 12 years when I´d try to run the game the CD was totally scratched. :facepalm: : Only can do now is watch videos on youtube to pass time for those games I can´t play anymore .(broken / lost)


You can always buy Fallout 1 from Good Old Games. :thumbsup:

If you don't trust online services, it's still being sold on CD, often bundled with Fallout 2 and Tactics.

GoG are awesome, they even have some free games you can have a go at (freeware) , great website!

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