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Someone in the UK may need to remind them of the Unfair Contract Terms Act. Y'know, it all has to be reasonable...
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In order for any agreement to be legally binding between you (the Consumer) and the Spawn of Satan (A Software Company) it has to be signed by yourself.


A bit hard to do that when the agreement they want you to sign is wrapped up inside the box when you buy the product!


It's a bit like those ridiculous store policies that say No Refund If Product Is Opened. Well, DUH! How do I know if I like it if I don't open the box?

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Maybe someone should get a petition together to send to the game manufacturers, basically saying, we will not honor your EULA because it is not a legally binding contract, and it infringes on consumer rights. But it would go into more detail than that. They are selling products, and then revoking the rights to use these products from paying customers because of a digital agreement, for basically any reason they see fit. This will have to be a well written petition, and go into some detail.


If we could get a few hundred thousand signatures, or a million or 2 from gamers around the world, they would almost have to listen. And also it could be sent to the houses of government in our own countries showing out displeasure of these "digital agreements" and "digital rights management".


Perhaps it could also start a class action lawsuit in a few countries, if it got popular with enough signatures. I would love to send a message to them. They think they can just trample everyone's rights because they do it and not enough people are screaming loudly enough about it. The thing with a Democracy, is if you don't speak or defend your rights, you will have them taken away from you. Also the squeaky wheel gets oiled, even if they aren't in the majority.

Edited by crimsonedge11
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