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Money Lenders in Tamriel?


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I had a great idea for a mod. There doesn't seem to be any mod for creating money lenders in Skyrim. There seems to be a whole plot line just waiting for this. A place to store your coins and gems (there's no way my 650,000+ septims I've saved up are fitting into one chest, realistically...lol) and to borrow coins if and when you need it. And if you don't pay, then they send out Igor, the loveable, gentle giant who will break your knees. lol In fact, that could be a whole guild/story line like the thieves guild, not to mention that the thieves guild could get into it with them, which adds more story lines once the thieves guild story arc is complete.

If this mod has been created, and just doesn't come up on google (I searched, and found only the Pocket Money mod), then please shoot me a link!

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I'm not familiar with any mods that do this, but I do like the idea though!


Money lending seems more of an Altmer/Thalmor practice to me, but I can certainly see it being of interest to the Thieves Guild too - especially wanting to know where the gold is stored!

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Yeah, they do seem the type. I thought of something else, too. If someone were to get permission to use Skyrim Coin Replacer Redux, you could also add the money changer aspect, converting haralds and dumacs to septims, for a small fee, of course...Lol


I'm in the process of building a way faster computer, and unfortunately I know very little of actually building mods, but I'd be willing to help out by writing and voice acting while I learn to actually mod (once I have my new computer built in a month or two) if anyone wanted to actually get this idea off the ground. I can already see story lines about people getting in trouble with the money lending altmer, and needing the help of the hero. The jarl of Falkreath definitely seems the type...Lol And not to mention the thieves guild running a silent war against them at night by robbing their stores and burning them down. And then the Altmer retaliate by hiring the Dark Brotherhood. And if you are a member of both, you have the choice of which side to help.

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Yes, anywhere there's a heavy Imperial presence, since the Altmer/Thalmor have a vested interest in keeping the status quo. I can see them even opening a small money changer shop in Whiterun, and trying to make in-roads in Riften, perhaps lending money to Maven or one of her kin (an npc could even be created just for this) which would be fitting considering how much intrigue she's involved in. Or perhaps she's losing money because of them and wants them eliminated, too, and is using the Thieves Guild to do it.

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Or even creating a new guild which is a branch of the TG that focuses around that.



Or,considering the bad Luck the Guild is having lately,a completely seperate guild.Maven's not loyal anyways,so it would fit.A Thieves Guild Quest where destroy the other guild could also be done.

Edited by Fenryr3001
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To be fair, the guild's bad luck was only because of their leader...won't spoil it for anyone who doesn't know, but I can see Maven trying to play both sides of the coin, too. Maybe her nephew in the pokey might be related to her dealings with this new money changers/lenders guild?

All we'd need for this mod is people, voices, a few buildings, and some tie ins to the Skyrim canon.

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I like your ideas, but what you have dscribed could require multiple, rather large quest-lines. It would be an ambitious project if work wasen't delegated to a team of people. The money part would prob be the easiest. The storyline is what will make it hard (especially if you are adding a guild's worth of new and VAd characters). Then you have their interactions with other factions, world-building, and all that other good stuff. Not impossible, but it would be a big project. I would trim it down as much as possible, and avoid a major storyline, until you can get the nuts and bolts of the economy working.


but you have certainly caught my interest.

Edited by RET45
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I think the Money Lenders guild could just be "Go there,talk to that guy,get the money out of him".



I also think there could be multiple Banks. Whiterun is the Trading Capital of Skyrim,so a Bank there wouldn't be out of Place.Solitude is a no-brainer,and maybe even in Falkreath.It doesn't fit Falkreath to have a Bank there,but its in the middle of one of the most used Routes to get from Solitude/Cyrodiil and Vice Versa.

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