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Money Lenders in Tamriel?


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Falkreath under Siddgeir, I can see having a stall, maybe. His father, with his anti imperial sentiments could add intrigue. And yeah, I can definitely see the Altmer/Thalmor going around and strong arming citizens into paying their debts.


As for buildings, their banks could all be one building, duplicated for each city, and the stalls wouldn't be too hard to create, I think. The characters, too, with different names, maybe. I've never really done something like this before, but I agree, keep it simple at first and then add to it. Could even be like a serial. Add a new chapter each update.


As for the economy of it, set an exchange rate, and have the altmer running it be a supercillious jackass who just oozes slimy personality. The exchange rates are already sort of there in the Skyrim Coin Replacer Redux mod. We'd just need to get permission to use it and adapt it to the money changers.

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Thanks, Kururu! That's really cool. I'd still like to try my mod idea with the Altmer trying to weasel their way into the economy of Tamriel, though I like the sound of the mod you brought to my attention, too...annnnnnnnnd download! lol If anyone is interested in collaborating on this project, let me know. I'll have my new computer up and running in a month or two, and then I can help out a little (while I learn). Just drop your name and where you think you can help. I'm willing to learn anything anyone needs me to to help get this going.

I think the Altmer/Thalmor moneychanger guild should first start in Solitude (only because it is the seat of the Empire in Tamriel) and then branch out from there. We could even use an empty room in the Imperial palace (maybe in the Blue Palace once the Sheogorath story arc is done--Elisif would want to use that wing for something now that it's habitable again). That would minimize the initial need to craft a whole cell/building from scratch. Any ideas for the story hook?

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