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Simple Long-sleeved Undershirt


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Alright. :) Thank you for doing this.


Does Better Males really come with armour replacers? With the download? Or does it come from another mod? I'll admit, I have been somewhat interested in using Sundracon meshes later on, although whether or not I stick with it could probably depend on how much larger it is in terms of polygon count. (It could be problematic loading HQ meshes in towns and such.)

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  • 1 month later...

I apologize for my lack of communication. I lost everything on my computer last week. I lost my work on your request and on a couple of other requests for different people. I'm letting everybody know today. This is entirely my fault, and I have no good excuse for not informing you earlier. Sorry.


I am in college now and I have started working on a huge mod that I hope to release before Fallout 4 comes out, and I after losing all of my progress, I don't think I'll be able to finish your request in a timely manner. This post will bump your thread, and hopefully someone will see it and respond.


Once again, I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Feel free to send me angry messages or talk to other people about how I break promises. I feel bad about doing this, especially since I am still making another mod, but I ultimately think that my other major mod will contribute more to the community as a whole. I'll probably be willing to do your requests once I get done with my other mod, if nobody else has helped you by then. If you decide to make it for yourself, I will offer you as much advice as I can.


I don't want anyone to be angry, so if you find these terms to be unacceptable, I will make your request sooner. Just realize that I have lost any progress that I made, so it may take a while for me to make it. I'm sorry for the long message, and I'm sorry for the situation.

Edited by megageeklizzy
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I'm really sorry that you lost your progress on all the work that you've done, you must feel devastated after all of this happened. :(


Don't worry about the request being late. I've been quite busy with school as well, and I won't be able to play or putter around with my own mod tweaks until I eke out some free time. Take your time, and feel free to dedicate your time on you main mod.


I have something to send to you as well, you can check out your PM in a bit as I still have to pack it in a zip file. Hopefully it will help out with your other mod.

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