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Need help with optimizations


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But remember, even though it came out at the time of Core 2, it was close to when Core 2 was first released. The game had been in development for quite some time prior to that. Even if they decided to recompile with up-to-date optimizations at release time it would still be behind the times with games you're comparing it to today. There were games released that brought Core 2 to it's knees (I'm thinking Far Cry here) that have been patched for performance since and still don't take full advantage of today's multicores. I'd love for all my old favourite titles to be updated to modern standards. Just because I want something doesn't make it likely. Edited by Striker879
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@David Brasher: I think you may have missed the point of Streamline. It was not intended to allow you to jack up your FPS to play at a constant 60 FPS. It is intended to allow people with low end computers who see extreme low FPS of 10 to 15 most of the time , along with a lot of pauses to catch up - to play at all. Yes, if you set the Streamsight FPS to a high value, it will kill your visual features. It trades those visual features for FPS, you don't get something for nothing.


On an older, slower system that actually exceeded the published (BS) requirements. I was seeing an FPS that jumped constantly - up to 40, then down to 10. Then if you turn quickly even lower. Fighting more than one NPC at a time was a nightmare of lag. Just swing and hope you might hit something because by the time you do swing, the target is somewhere else. FPS in that kind of fight was around 2 to 5. By using streamline, with the streamsight maximum set to 25, and the minimum at 15 I was able to actually see the fighting system for the first time. I still had some lag with multiple enemies, but nowhere near as bad. However, I did have to sacrifice a lot of visual effects to get that improvement. Without streamline it was nearly impossible to play.


When I did get a better computer, I started off with much higher settings on streamline, then one day I turned it off, and saw no difference at all in my game play. But I did get better LOD and none of the ocasional visual artifacts that I discovered were caused bt Streamline.


Bottom line. Use it if you need it. But if you do have a decent computer you may get better results by manually turning down some of the in game video settings. - Don't try to do both, streamline changes them on the fly automatically and it will override any changes you make.


For actually tweaking the game to run better go here: http://www.tweakguides.com/

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