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Just Don't Understand....


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Okay, let's start off with saying I might not be the most intelligent person by any means, but I feel I know quite enough to mod my game. Having said that, either I keep doing something REALLY wrong or it isn't my fault. I keep trying to mod New Vegas, for the 6th time now I've completely re-modded my game fresh. I've tried many different approaches and each time I had a different problem in the end result. For example, this last time I had DarN UI installed plus about ~55-60 other mods and everything worked fine... except no matter what I did it seemed as if my game was ignoring DarN UI completely... no changes to the DarN config in the prefab folder were visible... I tried using the on-screen guides you would use to line up UI elements and that didn't even show up.. Every time I try to mod my game I have problems getting the UI elements to sync up correctly.


I don't even know where to start trying to figure this out so I came here hoping to get help....


TL;DR - It seems like I am having issues getting my UI Elements/MCM Menus to all work together nicely...


List of UI/MCM Mods I Am Using

DarNified UI 0.4 (Latest)

Project Nevada (Plus Extras & Patches)

UI Organizer

The Mod Configuration Menu

The Weapon Mod Menu

Weapon Stat Viewer



Dynavision 3 (Full)

Weapon Mods Expanded


Couriers Stash Pre-Order Pack Selector


I also tried the Advanced Recon series on top of all this, but forget it; I add those and I get nowhere on top of all these....


What the hell am I doing wrong? :mad:

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Don't know if you are using NMM or Mod Organizer, but I thought you could use some help.

I have a series on Youtube on MO for FNV. It might give you some insight even if you don't use MO.

I did three videos that cover UI mods in depth...

#5 - DarnUI, UIO, and MCM: https://youtu.be/0i9psmCdjQY

#6 - Project Nevada, Weapon Mod Menu, OneHUD: https://youtu.be/bdAxouyl2fE

#7 - FlashlightNVSE, CASM: https://youtu.be/RR4QACZmpek


My latest video, #17, covers WMX and Weapon Stat Viewer: https://youtu.be/2igiQjMEkP8


I hope these help,


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