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Tunic tweak request


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I am currently making a machinima set in Skyrim. It will be set in Celtic Britain, during the time of King Arthur. Wanting it to be as historically accurate as possible, I have done lots of research into what they wore.

I need someone to take this in game tunic: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130107182938/elderscrolls/images/4/43/Roughspun_Tunic_0003C9FE.png

Male version: Just bleach the tunic and make the pant legs less ragged and give it a plaid pattern

Female version: But remove the pants and bleach the tunic until it's white-ish.

I would really appreciate this!

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The first page of google results for "medieval women's fashion" disagrees. If you want skimpy clothes for women, that's your preference. Just don't claim you're giving women exposing clothes to be historically accurate. I'm honestly not trying to annoy you, but I have a slight problem with people making their females wear skimpy clothes, especially when they defend doing so with an incorrect argument. I will not comment here again, as I do not want to antagonize you with my opinion. I will, however, point you to some sites where you can learn more about the facts. Here are some links:





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According from this, all celts wore a a long, sleeved tunic called liénte. Lower class men wore a trouser called trius, and women are described to be bare-legged. Although, it seems to be that there were no visual representation of it because it could not be seen under the liénte, which could mean that the liénte was too long to indicate whether or not they were wearing it underneath. And anyway, Britain is too cold and damp not to wear something sensible like a full-length anything, which is why I'm scratching my head at the greatly reduced hemline that the OP is asking for.

Edited by Laereal
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Hilarious "feminist" who links clothes from medieval times, the most sexually repressed era.

The liénte was worn long for noblewomen or older women, though young women wore a shorter liénte up to the knees or juste above. The liénte was unisex.

If you think showing your legs is "sexualization" that's a whole other problem. You're not going to like celtic male warriors, they're gigolos by your definition (hint: bare chested. Ooh la la.) This was worn in Nordic countries for thousands of years (and unlike never-physically found léines, this has been found in a grave and proven to resemble this.


You're right, Britain was cold. That's why the léine was rarely worn alone and most often topped with an ankle length overcoat for both men and women.

Edited by Zombrox
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Is the long coat something like the shaggy mantle/brat? I realize now what I linked a Gaelic dress site not a Celtic one so there may be some difference between them. I've just started looking up dark ages clothing lately for personal purposes and would like to know of some of the differences. Sorry if I came off as a little rude in my confusion. :)


I've been looking for the pantless tunic you were talking about since I last posted, and I found this mod that should have it, even if it may be in pieces. (Bottom right corner of the 3rd pic in the gallery.) You could probably use this retexture as it should redirect to it even if you use the mod I linked.

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Yeah no problem, the other links were also to the 16th century, a thousand years after this!

You did not come off as rude, I was just a bit annoyed at people jumping the gun and calling me a misogynist when half the women in this machinima are Lady Macbeth level independent strong women.

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