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Vanilla Race Face Replacer


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So there have been tons of mods where people make custom races, some beautiful and some ugly. most of the custom race mods i've downloaded have been pretty good, i love Xenius Race Compilation but i sometimes want to play a vanilla race. However those vanilla races are just so horribly disgustingly ugly (i mean bethesda even nicknamed the "randomize face" button into "the ugly button") that i can't bear with playing one of those unless i'll stick to a beast race or make some elder type guy with a long beard and stuff (no beards, oh snap)


People are making so awesome custom race mods and they get better with each mod, why can't someone just replace the vanilla races so we can stick to being lore friendly and look good anyways? My first run through Morrowind was as a nord female, same with arena and daggerfall, same in oblivion, but i can't re-play oblivion as a non custom race cus they're so horrible (unless i take 3 hours to customize my face)

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rabcor1, it is true that many people do not like the default faces. Various approaches to dealing with this have been tried. Some of them do change all the NPCs. Some of them just reset the sliders in the character generation to defaults to something the modders finds more appealling, making character creation easier if you share their tastes. There are a couple of head substitutes, too.

Throttlekitty Hot Heads


Head 06 Replacer



If you want to see the kind of thing that can be done, check out DustinFlan's mods that are based on the Sims II work of Enayla:


Those need the Robert bodies and some or all of them use Head06.


Another modder recently uploaded a mod that makes all the vanilla non human races into human variants. Others have made mods that they feel make they beast races more attractive, including auto-adding special feet or paws to them. There is a project going on now to improve the Khajiit race with more realistic feline foot/leg shapes and other features.

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The Construction Set is a great thing to learn. With it, I've been able to map textures, head and ear meshes from various mods, or of my own creation to the vanilla races. (Elves, Bretons, Nords and Redguards all used the same texture! I hated that) Even messed around with the racial face values so they look a ton better. I also omitted the folder with the NPC-specific faces from loading via the archiveinvalidation, so I'm free to facegen NPC's without any skin issues.

It really improves the experience for the rare times I am actually playing the game.


Stock Redguard

Stock Dunmer

(NSFW, Nipples ahoy) Stock Golden Saint/Dark Seducer


If you want to throw together a list of mods you'd like to pull textures from to replace vanilla races, or perhaps want something I have, drop me a PM with them and if I have time, I can help you out.



There is also a handy script you can use in a mod for OBSE, that lets NPCs recognize a non-vanilla race as a particular vanilla race, if that would satisfy you instead. (They will greet and insult you accordingly, and you can proceed with any race related quests.)

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