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Favorite Games?


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:oops: ... forgot to include N64 games..


11. Goldeneye

12. Mario Wings to the Sky

13. Hexen

14. Doom (when i'm in the mood to kill evil things pointlessly) :)


umm... I think I'm really done now. I must leave this topic quickly before my list turns into every game I own ;)

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there are many more I like, but these are my favorites (in no order) 


1. Dungeons and Dragons

2. Morrowind

3. Neverwinter Nights

4. Pharaoh/Cleopatra

5. Baldur's Gate Series

6. Runescape

7. The Sims

8. Torment

9. Neopets

10. Lone Wolf Adventures


I'm just guessing, but i'm going to say that you're a RPG (Role Playing Game. Who can think of any more? :D ) fan. But come on, The Sims?! I have, in fairness, played it, but i can't see the appeal in playing it 24/7 (now Morrowind, well, thats an exception). And its been turned into another EA cash-cow (i'm so glad that Infinity Ward broke away from 2015, or look what could have happened.) But hey, we are all entitled to our own opinions, so i'm not going to press the matter. Much.

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love all things nintendo, but has to be


1. zelda

2. mariokart

3. halo

4. medieval total war

5. morrowind

6. other mario games

7. eternal darkness

8. neverwinter nights

9. metroid series

10. last but not least........ goldeneye

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