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Can't get two quests to trigger- Sins of the Father and the last p


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I beat the Jemane brothers' quest, I waited two days. At this point, it has been an in-game week and a half, and I still can't get Fathis to approach me in Chorrol, nor can I find him anywhere. He's not at the Oak and Crosier, nor is he in the streets. I've slept in both inns and guilds and never get woken up by him, nor is he there when i wake up.


I found his house in the Elven Gardens district, but it was locked at mid-day and I couldn't find him anywhere else. Do I have to be in the thieve's guild? Do I need to finish the main quest? Do I need to go back to Weatherleah after finishing the Lost Legacy quest?


What the bloody hell? I want me shield.


Also, I was doing the Battlehorn Castle quest for the official DLC. I initiated the quest, then bought every upgrade for the castle without ever going therre, not realizing that there was one last piece I wasn't able to buy until visiting the castle after getting the first upgrade. I went to check it out after getting all the upgrades, and never got contacted about the last upgrade, and after talking to everyone in the castle, no one had anything to say on it. I tried sleeping, but I have not tried leaving and coming back, which I'll do right now, but for the time being, I can't continue the quest unless leaving and coming back works. As for Sins of the Father, I've tried it on three separate visits to Chorrol and can't get it to trigger.


Halp please. Thanks!

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Here's an excerpt from the bugs section of the UESP Wiki article on Fathis Ules:

Fathis sleeps in Dul gro-Shug's house due to a design flaw. He clearly should have been marked to sleep in his own house, but Dul gro-Shug's house is right above it in the Construction Set and the wrong cell was chosen. This mistake will make life much harder for Fathis; he doesn't have the key to Dul's house, and will have to wait from 5am to 6am in front of the door until Dul unlocks it. When he is finally inside the house, Fathis will end up waiting outside the locked Private Quarters instead of sleeping. Also, in the evenings, depending on how you use the fast-travel and wait-features, Fathis can often be found locked inside Dul's house. This is due to the logic used by the game engine which ignores locked doors in some instances and places him in Dul's house with no way to get out.

This bug is fixed by the Unofficial Oblivion Patch. - it makes Fathis sleep in his own house.

If he doesn't show in Chorrol you won't find him at his house in the IC.


Did you get the quest completion journal update for Legacy Lost? Check your completed quests for this entry:

I've brought Guilbert Jemane safely to Weatherleah. Unfortunately, Reynald was killed along the way. (If Reynald is killed on the way back to Weatherleah) or

The Jemane brothers have returned safely to Weatherleah. (If both brothers make it alive)

Legacy Lost must be completed before Sin of the Father can begin.


Was it the Dwemer Forge that you didn't get for Battlehorn? You can't purchase that until after you've purchased at least one upgrade for the Castle. Go back and see Nilphas Omellian and he should offer it to you.

Edited by Striker879
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