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ENB transparency problem


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Simply put, I have not managed to get ENB working for Fallout:NV. Every time i install it and load up the game(all of the settings corrected so that it should work), everything is mostly invisible. I made sure to turn off all of the settings i was supposed to, but i just cant get it to work. im using Windows 7 on a custom-built gaming computer.


here is the list of mods I have installed.

-Berret 98B gun mod

-BEWARE OF GIRL Type 3 HiRez Hidetailed Replacer

-Jackal Pistol

-Lil Macintosh

-Weapons of the New Millenia

-Spitfire's Thunder


-New Vegas Type 3 armors only

-Mikotos Beauty pack

-Weapon Animations replacer

-YUP Bug fixer


I have tried installing ENB on a clean install, and it wouldnt work even then, and the mods all function without ENB. I am fairly certain it isnt a mesh issue, but it seems the textures arent rendering properly, if at all. I can see bits an pieces of the textures that SHOULD be there, but most of them appear invisable. i can even see through the ground. Can someone please help me?

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Did you disable Steam overlay? gfx card programs can also apply an overlay that can have unexpected results as well (mine didn't lock the mouse to the game so I would randomly click in one of my other monitors and minimize crash the game).


Good luck,


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