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OOO, wow.. -_-


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dude, i know i put hell lotta mods, but , OOO, when i installed it, everythin just went horribly wrong, i don't know why everyone says its good. It sucks poo. btw, i know maybe one of my mods clashed with it, either way, i blame it on OOO.

So, advice for ppl out there who doesn't like the game to be too hard, want to modify the game a lot. Don't even bother with OOO

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Well OOO works just fine if you install it correctly. Yes, it conflicts with many mods but there's an extensive readme telling you what (type of) mods conflict with it.


Many people are sick of the levelled lists, and OOO doesn't use them (much). So they have static levels, which makes the game more difficult. BUT more realistic, challenging at the beginning and rewarding at the end.


What errors are you getting anyway?

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I'm using OOO, MMM, and Francesco's all at once with no errors ingame so far. I used FraOOOMMM from dev_akm to improve their compatibility. It's just a matter of making sure the load order is right with a program like Oblivion Mod Manager.
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lol, doesn't matter, i just don't like the game that hard, :P, anyway, i'm using Francescos now, the thing is where do you get the new items for it anyways, i already installed everything, including the files for the items. I just need to know where to get it inside of the game
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  • 2 weeks later...
lol, doesn't matter, i just don't like the game that hard, :P, anyway, i'm using Francescos now, the thing is where do you get the new items for it anyways, i already installed everything, including the files for the items. I just need to know where to get it inside of the game


I cant exactly say for sure where the items from frans are since The 300mb download from fileplanet failed everytime, But off the description I guess you get them off random npcs; bandits, vampires ect.


:P games no fun if its not hard hehe you should try MMM with real combat and x4 damage mod cant remember the name off the top of my head, now thats a challenge

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Personally I run OOO 1.31 with at least 20 mods fairly often. Mods like sentient weapon 3. I recently added oblivion enhanced r3 to the mix but haven't had much time to play around with it. All of my mods work but i do make certain that i am using the oblivion mod manager and loading mods in the order i think best.


OOO does have one major drawback and that is how slow the player levels with the full install. That has more to do with the way oblivion specialties are set up i think. If you use all of your major skills often you will fly up fairly quickly even with full ooo (is far quicker if you use lite ooo and then use the add on mods other than ooo_level_normal or ooo_level_slow; I use bofra's x2 level which is included in the add on folder although depending on your download it may not have bofra's name on the mod). That is only fairly likely with a pure mage and that ain't very likely considering that if you use alchemy alot all but conjuration and destruction *almost* become muut points since you can get far longer lasting effects with alchemy and more powerful effects than you can with the related spells of vanilla oblivion or even ooo spells.


I like mages alright but it seems that stealth and warriors got the short end of the stick this time. The combat specialty has the only three strength skills and those are three of the five attack skills in the game, the other two being destruction and bow. I have a thing for archery but i like to get close too after i get in some good shots with a bow. With full ooo in effect, leveling non-specialty skills is a pain in the posterior and with the x2 level mod it can still be a LOT slower than vanilla oblivion... without a level slowing mod you level far too quickly ... at first... once you get past the lower levels you do start leveling slower (say in the teens) and things start getting interesting. Now you can really start enjoying ooo for all of its mid and higher level content. If you use the legendary mastery mod you can get past the level cap and still gain gain new perks beyond 100 and that means you can start adding higher player created mods to your mix. Legendary mastery has a little quirk though, i personally like it: when you come to a "scene" where you need to stay hidden while waiting for two people to finish a story driven conversation there are times where one of the characters closer to you will stop talking and you have to wait upwards of three minutes or more for the conversation to continue. What is going on i have discovered is that the closer character, maybe both, have gained a very high sense of area awareness. If you have a HQ life detect shader in effect you will see that the characters are looking around for "someone hidden, ... you" even if all you have done is enter the area and then not moved. If you move the conversation will take even longer to continue but if you wait it will end in about 5 minutes... on the otherhand if you come prepared you can use an invisiblity potion to skip by them no problem... and at times if you sneak behind the closest character (and the other doesn't see you), you can get the conversation to stop and they will move on their way. OOO is a great mod if for the content alone.

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I've just installed OOO, and I was surprised when my little level one almost got slaughtered by a slaughterfish. I guess the name finally makes sense. So far, I am enjoying it, however a big technicall non-OOO related bug is ruining all my fun.
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I've just installed OOO, and I was surprised when my little level one almost got slaughtered by a slaughterfish. I guess the name finally makes sense. So far, I am enjoying it, however a big technicall non-OOO related bug is ruining all my fun.


Maybe try the way I play, download

-Arachnos Double Action= 4x dsmage output

Real combat = 1/3 hp for all npcs and creatures and player

MMM= Mobs Mobs Mobs :P


Anyway if you ever get time to try that combination I found its a lot of fun, It's pretty hard at low levels, 1 power attk will kill you but same goes for the npcs, basicaly every npc and creature and you are vulnerable to death, kill or be killed, I found with that you don't need to change the leveled list, fact if you where to have a static level list with thos mods it would be unbalanced either too easy or too hard and most case both

Try giving it a shot sometime :)




Main thing I dint like about OOO was that it changed my handtohand mod that I tailored to fit my game and it disabled the mod I have that makes most foods restore hp; 1/3 hp ya need plenty of food ^^

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