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Crash on load


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Here is the problem, I insert the cd, the launcher loads, I hit play, the screen goes black, and then i get a "This program stopped working" message.


My system: AMD Phenom 9150, 4 Gb ddr2 ram, Nvidia gforce 9800 gt, Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit. I have had the game working fine on this system before, only with Vista(vomited a bit, sorry i'm better now)


I have done a ton of things to get it fixed, ran as admin, ran in all compatibility modes, reinstalled, changed graphics settings, updated, updated my drivers. I even considered formatting my hard drive.....really don't want to have to do that.

I am running no mods, no DLC, Just the base game.


I realize that this is a question that has been posted over and over, but every ones situation is different, and i have been through everything i could find.

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If you uninstalled did you clean the registry entries that Oblivion leaves behind? Usually if you install in the same place it doesn't matter. But if you put it in a new location The registry will cause problems.


Here is a link to my complete uninstall/reinstall procedure located in the articles section of the Nexus



Next possibility , a problem with the DVD Here is a link to a site that explains how to recover scratched CDs & DVDs



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I have now, no dice, still having the same problem, and the cd is in perfect condition, not a scratch on it.


Also, I dont think this helps at all, but TES loads, just fine.....I can make mods.....just cant play..... :confused:

Edited by Edge92
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Is your game installed in 'Program Files'? If so, uninstall it and reinstall outside of that pit, to somewhere like C:\Games\Oblivions\. Also, consider adding oblivion.exe to your DEP exclusion list.
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