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help with an idea


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hello everyone. i am an unexperienced modder, but i had an idea a few days ago. I wanted to make it so that when you activate a forge (the blacksmith thing) it would come up with the repair weapon screen, like when you use a repair hammer. I looked through all of the help for scripting, and have a basic idea of what i need to do, but i cannot find a command to bring up the repair hammer screen. Would someone please help? if this turns out you will definetly get some credit for it. :D
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hello everyone. i am an unexperienced modder, but i had an idea a few days ago. I wanted to make it so that when you activate a forge (the blacksmith thing) it would come up with the repair weapon screen, like when you use a repair hammer. I looked through all of the help for scripting, and have a basic idea of what i need to do, but i cannot find a command to bring up the repair hammer screen. Would someone please help? if this turns out you will definetly get some credit for it. :D


I don't think it can be done like that. While you can detect if a menumode is active, you can't initialize it.

player.activate <ID of repair hammer>

Might get you somewhere, but will likely require a persistant reference. Persistant references can't be applied to inventory items. Even adding something more complicated like:

scn anvil script

ref hammer
short use

begin onactivate
set hammer to player.additem <ID of repair hammer> 1
player.activate hammer
set use to 1

Begin gamemode
if use == 1
if menumode 1035 != 1
set use to 0
elseif menumode 1035 == 0
elseif use != 1

Probably wouldn't work even though the reference for the hammer was created within the anvil script.


I don't think this is possible. You might be able to use OBSE to have it detect what is worn, then have the script spawn a new instance of that item in the player's inventory, but that probably isn't what you want.

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Why dont you just put the hammer script on the anvil?

There is no hammer script. It'll have to be done completely through more complicated scripting, unless Vagrant0's idea works.


That's spam.

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I have a few questions.

I'm trying to make the anvil an activator. but im kinda not sure what the 'add nif file' button means. Im pretty sure its where you choose what mesh you use for the object, but whenever i click on one in a folder that i unpacked all the meshes to, it says invalid directory

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I have a few questions.

I'm trying to make the anvil an activator. but im kinda not sure what the 'add nif file' button means. Im pretty sure its where you choose what mesh you use for the object, but whenever i click on one in a folder that i unpacked all the meshes to, it says invalid directory

did you unpack all the meshes into the Oblivion/data/meshes directary?

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